Chapter 5

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They were out again. Ollie had decided to show George a place he really loved. It was a small snackhut closeby, where he always went to with Quincy. In the past days, Ollie had been loosening up a lot. He pulled the fake blonde along with a small smile, "Come on, don't get behind!"
George smiled to himself, where had he ever deserved to be in the presence of such an angel. Screw being too busy for a relationship, he was head over heels.

They sat down at a small table, and an older woman walked up to them, "Back again, Oliver?"
"Ah, yep! I wanted to show George this place, it's the best!"
"Ah, thank you so much, darling. The usual?"
"Yes, please! What do you want, George?"
"I'll have what you're having..."
"Alright, make that twice!"
"I'll be right back, then!"
"Um, cutie? What are we having?"
"Sheperd's pie!"
"Miss Plevin's pie is the best, trust me!"
"Haha, I'll trust you..."

They both, until George's phone buzzed. The young man took out his phone and looked at it.
"Oh, shit."
"What is it?"
"My dad decided to partner up with a group of young men in America, but we lost a great anmount of money thanks to their wrong investments... as if they want us to go bankrupt..." George huffed. "Dad wants me to come home."
Ollie began to panick, until George said: "No way. Today's our day out."

Ollie sighed in relief and smiled. "Ah, i-if it's too much you can still go, okay?"
"No way, I said! I wanna stay with you!"
Ollie's cheeks flushed a bright red, and he laughed a bit, "Y-y-you do?"
"Hey, there the shy shrimp is again!"
"S-shy shrimp!?"
George began to laugh.

When they finally got their food, they dug in together at once.
"You're right, this is really good!" George said in slight awe. Ollie smiled. A bit of gravy trickled down his chin, and George chuckled. "Wait, you have a little bit of-" He took out his hankerchief and wiped it away as Ollie blushed again, "Gravy there. You eat like a kid."
"A-ah, do not!"
"Yes, you do."
"Oh, stop pouting like that, I think it's adorable!"
Ollie laughed a bit and looked away.

When they finished they took a walk in a nearby park. George decided to risk it, and slung an arm around Ollie. Ollie blushed and stammered, but didn't complain. They stared at the groups of people walking in the park as well. Ollie was actully staring off into the distance, a bit lost in thoughts. He was finally denying it a bit less. He liked him... kinda? No. Maybe. Probably, who cared!

They walked until late, until a female voice rang out, "Geoooorge!!"
"Oh, ships... i-it's Ann."
"My sister. I have to go," George grabbed him by his shoulders suddenly, "But I had a great time." And then George pressed his lips to Ollie's for a few amazing seconds.
Ollie flushed crimson, and as he watched George run off to his older sister, his mind was fuzzy. Only George was on his mind now.

They had kissed, and he loved it.

They FINALLY kissed! I couldn't help it! Whew that's one milestone~
Also I can't write the name Ollie normally without screaming internally... (yall GOT people~)
Anyways I hope you enjoyed sorry it was so short 0////0

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