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They think that our eyes aren't meant to

comprehend greys

the boring dull tone could radiant new color

but we walked have walked right past it

not sparing it a second glance

likewise, if only she knew

that his eyes weren't meant to admire her radiant beauty

his ears are not meant to hear every melody in her voice

his hands not blessed with the ability

to calm her storm

nor his lips meant to make her feel loved

she wouldn't have slit her small arms

with the harsh kisses of the razor blade.

That night,

an angel left the world

unable to withstand the pain she balanced

on her shoulders.

So many people become

songs and poetry

but will never know that our world is full of unspoken words

and memories.

It was fate's turn to hope

that cold Sunday afternoon

as they lowered her into her grave

and her love watched from across the road.

Fate hoped that he would walk over

and express whatever feelings he had for her.

Fate hoped that maybe

he actually noticed the value of the treasure he lost

but as the angels wept a storm over his fleeting figure

Fate's hopes came crashing down

because no matter how much Fate hoped that he cared,

He didn't

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