Chapter 17: Beldum Bond

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"Go, Beldum, use Take Down!"
Beldum turns around, looks at you with it's one eye and runs away to the corner of the training ground. You were battling against Lillie with your Kanto teams, it was still morning. Lillie laughs:
"Alright, Squirtle, Water Gun!"
You stop her:
"Wait a second, Lillie!" You run towards Beldum:
"Hey mate, everything alright? You don't have to be afraid! It's just training. Can you go back on the battlefield for me, please?" You say, and you give Beldum a wink. He does as you asked. You give Lillie a sign:
"Okay, start over!"
She nods:
"Water Gun!"
Squirtle blasts a beam of water towards Beldum.
"Beldum, dodge it!"
And he did, in the last second! You shout, surprised:
"Good job, Beldum! Now, Take Down!"
Beldum floats slowly towards Squirtle and hits it soft with it's head.
Lillie and you laughed heartly because of that, and you decided to stop the training:
"So, Beldum, why are you so afraid? You don't want to hurt other Pokémon? You won't really hurt them, it's a training, do you understand?"
Beldum's eye blinked. You decide to leave it out of it's Pokéball, so that it could get used to your company. You turn back to Lillie:
"We'll call it a draw." You say with a wink.
She laughs:
"I was winning, it's not fair!" She winks back with a cute smile.
Lillie and you walk back to the hotel to pack your stuff. Lillie looks at you:
"Ready for the party?"
"What party?"
She gives you a soft slap on your head:
"Tonight's party, Y/n!"
You suddenly remember the party:
"Oh yeah, Pallet's party! Yes, sorry, completely forgot about it. I'm ready though!"
She laughs:
"You should be! It's going to be awesome!"
You are not really the party type of guy:
"I hope so..."
"Hey, I'll be there!" She says joking.
You nod and look into her green eyes:
"Then it will surely be awesome."
No joke.
She blushes:
"Thank you, Y/n! How can you be so kind?"
As she said that, she turned around, and blushed even more, like she regretted what she just said...
You blush too, but smile and shrug:
"I don't know... waking up early and drinking much coffee, perhaps?" You joke, and go on:
"It's just... there is already so much hatred in the world, that we can't afford to not be nice to each other. Or it's just my personality, I don't know." You say laughing. She laughs too:
"I think it's the last one!"
You give her a short hug:
"That's nice of you!"
You entered your room and packed your stuff.

"Alright guys, let's go!" Blue shouts and begins to walk, without looking back. You laugh and follow him, just like the others. Beldum floats next to you, happy that it can go on a journey, but also still afraid of all the company.
You walk next to Ash:
"Hey, man, how are things going? How did it go with Brock and Misty?"
"Pretty grim... and yeah, fantastic! It was amazing, it was the only thing I wanted in my life!"
You smile and say without thinking:
"Not Dawn?"
You scare up and look behind, but she was just laughing about something with Lillie. Ash nearly smacked you, but he was able to refrain:
"Dude, not funny!"
He put your hands up in the air, as to apologise:
"Sorry, didn't even think about it. But things are going bad between Dawn and you?"
He nods:
"Yeah... you know... I think I made a mistake to commit to Dawn. I left Kalos, and I met a girl there..."
You complete his sentence:
He looks at you in surprise:
"What?! How did you know that?"
Ow, did I just say Serena?!
"Intelligence? I saw her on TV one day. She seemed amazing!"
He nods:
"She is... so I met her in Kalos and I fell in love with her. But I had to return home and start new adventures, like this one. I was so sad when I had to leave her, and when I arrived back here, Dawn was here too. She comforted me... perhaps it really was wrong."
You give him a pat on the shoulder:
"Keep your chin up, Ash. I'm sure you'll get over it, or perhaps you and Dawn will find a good solution. That you may break up as friends."

When you arrived at Pewter, there was a lot of commotion. Lillie, Red, Blue and you went over to look, the others stayed behind. A blonde lady, dressed in black/brown was handing signatures and taking selfies with people, most likely fans. Next to her stood a Garchomp, which looked amazingly powerful. Blue pulled your arm:
"Hey, hey, Y/n! That's the Sinnoh Champion, Cynthia!"
You look at Cynthia once more:
"Really? Cool! She looks very strong, that's for sure."
You kept watching her, standing next to the queue. She suddenly recognised Blue, smiled heartly and walked towards your group:
"Look who we've got here! If it isn't our own Champion, Blue! And the man who freed Kanto too, Red! It's good to see you both again!"
The crowd looked at you and rushed towards Blue and Red.
Well, this has to be the luckiest day in their life, getting to meet two champions in one day, or three champions... and one saviour, of course!
After kissing Blue and Red on the cheek, which seemed to be a habit, Cynthia looked at Lillie and you:
"And, who are you? Wait... I... I recognise you from somewhere, boy."
You nod:
"That could be, I'm the Alolan Champion, and the name is Y/n. Nice to meet you, Cynthia!"
Cynthia laughed:
"Of course, how did I forget that? Nice to meet you too, Y/n! I'm glad I got the chance." She said, giving you a kiss as well. Lillie looked jealous.
A little boy walked towards you, slowly:
"Uhm, Y/n...? Could we take a picture?"
You smile:
"Sure, man!"
You were surprised that you had fans in Kanto. You knew you had fans in Alola and you got recognised there quite a lot, but 'till now, no one knew who you were. Not that that was a problem. The kid smiled:
"Thank you, Y/n! I'm your biggest fan!"
You laugh:
"I can believe that!"
The boy kept on going:
"I love Alola, and I want to travel there so badly! I promise, I'm going to challenge you one day!"
You smile again:
"I'm already looking forward to it, ...?"
"Alright, John, see you at the league!"
You gave him a pat on the shoulder and walked back to Cynthia and Lillie. Red and Blue were still giving signatures.
"I'm back!" You exclaimed laughing. Cynthia smiled:
"I know the feeling."
Garchomp approached you and began to sniff. Cynthia stopped it:
"Hey, Garchomp, stop that."
You shake your head:
"It's alright, I think I know what it wants." You take a Pokéball from out of your bag, and out came your Garchomp. Cynthia was surprised:
"You have one too?! Well, that makes us related somehow, doesn't it?"
The Garchomps nuzzled.
You watched them nuzzling:
"I think it does! I'm currently just managing it with this team though."
You showed her your shiny Beldum, which she was amazed about, Bulbasaur, which she found cute, and then showed her Midos. She laughed, with a big smile on her pretty face:
"Well, Y/n, I think we are becoming best friends!"
You looked at Lillie, to see if she didn't mind that, but she just smiled, a kind and understanding one. Cynthia picked up a Pokéball too:
"Here, Riolu, look!"
A Lucario came out. You freaked out:
"Oooh, waw! Lucario's my favourite Pokémon!"
She laughed:
"Really? Well, we're certainly much alike, Y/n. But now it's time to go, I think. Your friends are ready." She said, as you saw Red and Blue returning.
"Alright. 'Till next time, Cynthia!"
"'Till our next meeting, Y/n!"
You returned Garchomp, and walked back towards the others. When you were all ready, you left for Veridian City. However, loud steps interrupted your journey: Garchomp was following you... Cynthia's Garchomp!
You saw Cynthia, running after her Pokémon:
"Hey, Garchomp! Wait!"
You laugh:
"It seems like Garchomp wants to join us!"
Blue smiles and lays his hand on Garchomp's back:
"Welcome to the fellowship of the bling! I'm Blue, your leade-"
You laugh even more:
"Oh shut up, Blue!"
Cynthia was laughing too:
"Well well... I was about to go to a party, but it seems destiny chooses otherwise..."
"Which party?"
She looks in your eyes:
"Something in Pallet Town..."
You nod, smiling:
"We're going there as well! You could come with us, I'd like to discuss some things with you!"
She nods too:
"Yes, of course! I'd be happy to travel with you guys."
Blue does the same with Cynthia as with Garchomp:
"So, honey, I'm Blue, the fellowship's founder, and-"
Everyone nearly died laughing, and you left in a good mood.

"Y/n?" Lillie asked.
You sat against a tree, taking a break from the walk, with Lillie next to you. Blue and Red sat against another tree, discussing with Cynthia. Ash and Dawn sat against another one, silent. Gladion stood leaned against Blue's tree, listening to their conversation.
"Yes, Lillie?"
You enjoy these moments: quiet, talking with Lillie, alone, in a beautiful place made by nature.
She looks in your eyes:
"Do you remember Exeggutor Island?"
You smile, thinking back at one of the best moments of your life:
"Of course I do..."
You look in her eyes too, green like the grass you sat in.
"Well, I wonder if Kanto has a place like that too. It was so magical there..."
You nod and smile, still locking eyes:
"It was magical indeed, because you were there. You and I."
She blushes and laughs:
"Well, yes, you're right." She said, sending out Vulpix to stroke her.
You give a sigh of satisfaction:
"Wherever I go, even if it's the darkest place on earth... if you are there, it'll be a beautiful place. I'll always remember Exeggutor Island. I remember you were about to say something special to me, but it suddenly stopped raining, back then..."
She blushes again, because of your unhidden compliment and because of remembering what she was about to say. She was quiet. You decide to go on:
"I...I've thought about that, what you could have said, back then. And if I'm correct, then you were about to say that... I'll say it now: Lillie, I-"
"WATCH OUT!!!" Cynthia shouts, as a tree was about to fall on Lillie and you, and it was falling fast. Really fast. You grab Lillie's hand:
But not quick enough, for you. You decide to give her a push, as that is the only thing that'd help. She screams when you push her. You yourself jump as far as you can, out of the reach of the tree. Gladion pulls you up, smiling:
"Amazing! You're a hero, Champ!"
You look next to you, where Lillie lies:
"Are you alright, Lillie? I'm sorry for the push..."
She begins to laugh.
She got up:
"Of course I'm alright, Y/n. You know... I do always feel safe with you around, for when you are with me, I know you'll rescue me. Just like on Exeggutor Island!"
Blue coos:
"Aaauh, that's so cute! Cuties!"
Lillie blushes:
"Shut up, Blue."
He fakes that he's hurt:
"I'm told to shut up many times today, man, what's wrong with you?" He says laughing. You continued your journey, still a bit in shock but with a smile on your face, for tonight was the party...

Shablam, chapter 17 already! I know, I know, I could have written more, but I've been pretty busy the last couple of days.

Also, there are probably a few of you who read my Zelda story. I'm sorry, but I'll still be backing off on that story for the following weeks. It's been months since I uploaded a new chapter, and that's because my Zelda-hype has diminished a bit lately. I'll try to upload a bit this summer, but I don't want to force myself to write chapters I don't really wánt to write. I'm sure you understand. I'll surely upload again, once. Don't you worry!

For the others who don't read my Zelda story, I can't believe this is chapter 17 already! My story will take many more chapters though, and I'll be writing a lot of chapters for this story, that's for sure! My Zelda hype may have died a bit, but Pokémon has always been my favourite franchise, and I'll never stop loving it!

Okay, enough boring talk, question time:
Which generation has your favourite... how do I say this... cover-legendaries? I mean for example:
"Gen 3, because I love Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza!"
"Gen 2, because I love Lugia and Ho-oh! They look great together!"
Not like:
"Gen 3, because Groudon is amazing (although I don't like Kyogre and Rayquaza)"
Man, this is difficult to explain XD
So basically: Which gen has the best cover-legendary duo/trio?
Mine is gen 4, I like Dialga, Palkia and Giratina, I think they're all well designed and awesome looking!
I really can't explain things properly XD
Anyway, have a great day, my dudes, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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