Taking One For The Team

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It had been 3 days since Brody, Brendan, and Marty had started attending Liberty High, and they were already getting used to the feel of the school. Brody had been preparing to start a campaign for him and Brendan to become class president and vice. Brody was sure that they would win. Cole, Ashton, and Marty had helped them make posters, buttons, and they even made a website and a YouTube channel for them! That Youtube channel hadn't been very successful, but it was the thought that counted.

The next day, at the start of school, the intercom came on. First was just school stuff. Then, the intercom announced who won. Brody and Brendan had won! Cheers ran the halls, and Brendan smiled. They had done it. But Brody hadn't felt like he'd accomplished anything. He wanted something more. He wanted to find who killed his parents, and he wanted it now. But he knew he'd have to wait.

So he acted like he was happy they had won. Apparently, they could miss all of class all day, and their friends would bring them the homework. They walked up to the office, and the principal asked them to stay. He said that this now was their office. Brendan and Brody agreed, and they decided amongst themselves that Brody would be the president, and Brendan would be his vice president. 

The next day, Hunter came up to their office. He had a complaint. "Hi, Hunter. How are you?" Brody asked. "Good. Uh, so I have a complaint." Hunter said nervously. "What is it?" Brody said. "Well, I want to start a book club, but the principal said I had to ask you guys first," Hunter said, his head down. "Ok, so what are you going to do in this book club?" Brody said. "Uh, well, I would give them all a book to read, then we would talk about it," Hunter said. "Hunter, listen. We know you really want to do this, but we're going to have to say no. I mean, you're just going to talk about the book, and you can do that easily online. We just don't want to waste the school's money on something that boring. Sorry, Hunter." Brendan said. 

Brody felt bad about Hunter, but it was true. It sounded boring. He'd just give them a book, and then they'd talk about it. Couldn't he do that outside school? That thought was taken from him as a girl walked in. "Who are you?" Brody said. "I'm Maya Livingston. I was just wondering, at the winter dance tomorrow, can I maybe sing a few of my songs? I attend here, but I was just wondering." She said.

"Depends. How well can you sing?" Brody said. Brendan snickered to himself and turned away. His brother always liked flirting with girls. Maya laughed. "Well, why don't I sing one of my songs for you?" Maya said with a grin.

She sang her song, and it was beautiful. Brody hadn't heard something that amazing since his mom died. She would always sing him to bed. He missed it over the first few years since her death and only now had he gotten used to her voice being gone. Brody nodded, and turned to Brendan. He shrugged, and complied that it would be good to have a live band, since at the winter dance, they were going to only play stuff on Youtube.

"Oh come on! You let her sing that stupid song just because she's a girl!" Hunter yelled. Brody nor Brendan had realized he was still there. "Hunter. I promise that's not why- "I don't care! You two are going to pay for this. I'm going to charge you with sexist acts. You guys are the shady ones! Yeah, new students. New students my but! You will regret playing with Hunter Harrington gentlemen."Hunter left, slamming the door on his way out.

Hunter walked away with a rage that would burn on forever. Brendan and Brody would pay for this, Hunter thought to himself. Then, he had an idea pop into his head. The school winter dance was tomorrow night. He would bring a gun to school and shoot both Brendan and Brody.

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