Goodbye Letter

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(New Mini-Story... Enjoy)


Dear Emmett,

I never actually thought I'd be writing you this, but I am. I love you, but we both knew that "us" wont ever happen again...


I stop typing, afraid to write more. How would I explain this? Like... all of it?

I have no idea.

I decide to re write it...


Dear Emmett,

I know we didn't go well at first but...


I erase it again. I'm so confused with all these words in my mind, that I can't actually find a way to say goodbye.

I look down at the keyboard.

Seeing the letters.

A next to S.

N next to M.

T next to Y.

I think.

I look down at the computer screen again, deciding to write one last time.


Dear Emmett,

I love you. I known that since the beginning, and since... well... now. I guess what I'm trying to say is that we aren't the same as we thought we would be. Were like letters on a keyboard. A was meant to be next to S. C was meant to be with V. You understand. Anyways, we aren't meant to be with each other it seems. We never got along all the way that we wanted it to. There was always something blocking us. That's why were letters on a keyboard. You're E. Next to the letters W and R. Below you is S and also the letter D. There isn't any room for me. I'm B. Next to the letters V and N. Above me is G and the letter H.

We were never meant to be with each other. I'm sorry that this is probably the lamest excuse ever... I just... Don't know how to say goodbye without the pain hurting me as much as it is right now.

I'm sorry Emmett. This is goodbye.

- Bay Kennish (Vasquez)


I stop and re read what I had typed.

Still scared, I press send anyways.

I'm sorry Emmett. This is my Goodbye Letter.

I Love you.

- - - - - - -

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I love you all who viewed this <3 and also left a comment / vote. It truly makes me smile.

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