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Hello, fellow readers! My name's Melissa, and I have a couple of words for you. Promise, I'll make it quick.

First off, let me start by saying I'm so sorry for the username I have, because the 10yo me couldn't possibly have chosen anything more sucky. Then, I want to thank you for taking your time to read this story I wrote. It really means a lot to know that I'm sharing my work with someone out there. I also want to apologise for any mistakes in the spelling, grammar or language in general as I am not a native english-speaker.

I normally write in French but I wanted to try something new, as I did with my other story "shh..." that you could also check out, it's only 5 chapters long (talk about a short story, huh?)! Responsability rain is a little longer, though. I don't know how many chapters there will be as I haven't divided my story in distinct parts, yet, but I'm getting to it. (21 pages on word, fyi.)

Lastly, before you start, let me say that I really hope you like this. Please don't hesitate to give this a like or a star or whatever it is nowadays on wattpad, and maybe comment to tell me what you would like to see changing? Anyway, good day to you, stay alive, and have a great time reading this.

- your fav pizza slice:)

RESPONSABILITY RAINWhere stories live. Discover now