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When the devil realises his own feelings...

"You seriously have no life you know?" his deep voice interrupted my train off thoughts and his tone told me has was not amused at all "You fell in love with the smile he gives to another, and you just quietly observe?".

I knew what I did was foolish and in all way hopeless but to have it written out by someone I barely knew and especially someone who just barged in to my life like that it was quite harsh.

"And you're okay with having no life." He added in to rub it in one more time.

"I'm self-concious about it so don't rub it in!" I said embarassed as I burried my face in my arms on the desk "Even Sol doesn't know about this foolish love off mine okay, that means I'm a lot more self-concious than you think!".

"Uh-huh I knew it." He suddenly said with a "I - know-it-all" tune in his voice.

Suprised I looked up at him to see him looking at me with a observing gaze and his head resting in the palm off his hand whilst his arm was leaning on te window sill.

"Unrequited love has seriously wounded you and left you with a broken heart." the more he spoke the bigger my eyes became "Hence the reason for this habbit off yours." he was speaking as if he looked inside off me and had examined everything clearly.

"Again he's speaking the whisperings off the devil.." I subconciously thought but the last sentence he utterd gave me chills down my spine in a unexplainable way.

"You want him to smile at you that way, right?" His gaze was drilling in to mine and there was no mischiviousness left in his face only seriousness as if it deeply matthered to him.

I took a deep breath before responding, somehow infront off this totally stranger - who was unexpectedly able to read me very well - I could show everything, from what I thought till what I fell "I do but,  I don't". 

Now it was his turn to pull a suprised face "What kind off twisted answer is that?" he asked.

"It will ruin things." I nodded as if I was backing up my own answer "That's all.".

"Why?" he asked pertinent and once again he knew how to trow me off.

"Why? Why?" I myself couldn't give a answer to that so I just repeated what he said "W-why?".

 He patiently waited for my reply as if it did not bother him the slightest that it took me so long to answer and that it was already after school.

"U-uh....well.." I hesistated with giving an answer until a small thought appeared in my head "Maybe it's because, I lack self confidence." my voice was almost a whisper and quite hollow in that empty classroom with only the two off us present "Or because I know I'll end up getting rejectes and especially since I don't have the confidence nor the heart to steal him away from her.".

"Hmm." He let out as he was still looking at me with a blank face, no judgement, no opinion from him only a accepting gaze. He was just listening nothing else.

"I-I think maybe it's time we head out..." I mumbled starting to pack up my things getting uncomfortable.

"You're honest aren't you, Meilin?" He suddenly said making me look up in a suprise and to my own suprise I saw the gentlest smile he had shown thus far, grazing his face.

I felt my heart miss a skip and my breath stocked for a moment, I didn't know why, but when he suddenly turned gentle my mind went blank.

Will he become and angel? 

The Devils Whisper ~K.THWhere stories live. Discover now