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Was it all the devils game from the beginning...

I walked trough the corridors not looking up, I definately did not want to meet nor face Min-Jun right now and neither did I want to face Taehyung but of course he could not leave me be.

"Isn't that the worst?" His deep voice - that I missed for a few days - whisperd as he softly blew on my ear "You're probably getting the wrong idea from that gossip going around.".

"Ack! You snuck up on me again." I said startled as I over my ear and fell my face heat up a bit.

"Shall we find out what really happened?" Taehyung nonchalantly asked me ignoring my yelp off suprise.

I looked at him with disbelieve on my face, he acted like the fight a few days ago never took place. Looking at me with that mischivous smile again. I wanted to ask him how he could be like this but my mind felt misty.

"W-what do you mean?" I tried prossing what he meant and interprenting his true intentions at the same time but it didn't go quickly enough to keep up with him.

"Oh look." Taehyung suddenly said looking behind me "Speaking off the devil." and with that my chance went by off asking him

"How ironic, that you're the one saying this." I thought as I turned around and came face to face with my second devil "Min-Jun!" .

As in slow motion he looked up at me and I frooze on the spot. He looked at me blankly yet it was  as if his eyes were telling me a different story.

"U-uh...uhm." I tried producing a decent sentence to explain it was not me or that it wasn't what he thought what it was but only undefinable words came out off my mouth. 

Once again he passed me like I did not excist, in his vision I was only the wind. A mere excistense that had whitnessed something that she shouldn't have and now I'm also that mere excistence that ruined everthing in his eyes.

I stood there frozen on the spot not able to move one muscle and suddenly Taehyung spoke up as if he was trying to cover me "The gossip going around isn't about him, It's not just me saying this.".

All I could do was stand there and nod my head at what he said but I was sure off it that at that moment Min-Jun trew a glance back at us. 

"He's got nothing to do with it." Taehyung continued staring at Min-Jun's back intensly.

"I'm not the student who was in the infirmary." Min-Jun spoke up stopping in his track just to say that. 

Startled I turned around and suddenly everything was working perfectly fine in my body "What?!".

With that announced Min-Jun turned around and quitly headed in to the librabry. What hurt me the most was that burdned look on his face.

"Isn't this your chance?"  Taehyung asked me.

What is it that you really want out off this? What do you gain from this as a devil?...

The Devils Whisper ~K.THWhere stories live. Discover now