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The next few days I started avoiding that classroom and together with that once again I was avoiding my problems as well as everything that had happened in that classroom.

I made sure to go trough life as invicible as I could. Lucky for me Taehyung was a third year and expect for that classroom we had no other connections. Despite our spitefull exchange, I had to admit I missed him. His sharp tounge yet at time gentle gestures had become quite familiar for me and now it felt lonely.

Min-Jun on the other hand was a different case, he wasn't avoidable as he was a second year too and allthough he never asked me about that incident, I myself felt uncomfortable around him. Maybe this was my conciousness eating away on me too.

The only important thing I failed to notice was the hallways that started buzzing with omnious aura...

"Today again?" Solhyun asked as she appeared next to my desk and looked at me with a concerned gaze "I don't know if I should write it off as lack off sleep or as a depression?".

"Good morning Sol.." I said with a flat voice with heavy dark circles under my eyes "I don't know myself anymore.".

"Geez take better care off yourself." Sol put her hand on the hips "Or I'll personaly come sing you to sleep and you know how much sleep you'll get then.".

"Oh no.." I gasped, Solhyun was my dearest friend but when she sang the birds would fly away and the both off us would always joke around about that "Please anything but that, I love you to the moon and back but not your singing. I might end up in the hospital.".

"Yah!" Sol protested but she couldn't help but smile too, suddenly her facial expression changed and I could see something popping up in her head as her expression by now were quite easy for me to read "By did you hear that something quite serious is going on in the principal office?".

That's when I noticed that not only our class but even everyone in the corridor was bussy talking and buzzing about something that seemed highly important. "It's bad, really bad." I heard a group off boys whisper as they walked past. 

"It's all everyone been talking about since this morning." Sol added looking around too "But knowing you, of course you wouldn't know Mei.".

"Gossip?" I questioned oblivious.

"Listen, they said miss. Lee brought a male student to the infirmary yesterday after school." Sol said bowing down closely to mee sharing her top secret with me.

Little did she know that those words would have a big impact on me. Everything that happened a few days ago came flashing trough my mind and the only thought that I had was 

"What if he thinks it's me?"

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