Love is Strange

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I do not own Life Is Strange of any not it's characters, nor do I own Carmilla or any of it's characters, nor do I own Adventure Time or any of it's characters.

      "Chloe..." You said in a warning tone as she wrapped her arms around you from behind. "I'm still mad at you." 

      "Mmhmm.. Come on, hon.. I mean this is a big deal.. It takes some thinking about.." She said, resting her head on your shoulder. You purse your lips and finish straightening your hair. 

      "You better hurry and get ready or I'm leaving without you." You said, to which she let go, kissing you on the cheek and going back into the bedroom. She opened the closet and flipped through until she found a shirt she liked, putting it on and walking over. 

      "Alright, I'm ready." You rolled your eyes but found yourself smiling, reaching up and planting a sweet kiss on her lips. She smiled and wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling you into her. After four years of this you still managed to find yourself a grinning, blushing mess, and you loved it. 

      Grabbing your bag, you and Chloe left your little apartment, locking the door before getting in her truck. As you drove you glanced out at the small town of Arcadia Bay, a small smile on your lips. You pulled up into the driveway of a cute little cape cod, getting out of the vehicle and walking up to the door.

      You rung the bell and waited for a reply. You could just barely make out the sound of crying and someone yelling, before the door opened revealing a frazzled Danny. She relaxed when she saw you and Chloe, opening the wider. 

      "Hey, guys, come on in.. Sorry about the noise.. Y/N bumped her head on the coffee table and Tommy didn't take the babysitter news so well..." She sighed as you both came in, running a hand through her hair. 

      "Someone really needs this night out." Chloe chuckled and Danny nodded. "You have no idea." 

      "She wont stop Danny, I'm worried." Nathan said as he came into the room, holding an adorable baby girl with wisps of bright red hair and big pale blue eyes. The baby cried and screamed, and as it continued the look of worry and panic grew on his face. 

      "Here P, let me see her." You said, and her handed her to you without a seconds hesitation. 

      "Hey there baby girl.. What's all the hullabaloo about, huh?" You said, your voice soft as you rocked her on your hip gently. 

      Her crying became less severe upon realizing she had been switched to someone else, but continued none the less. She laid her head on your shoulder and you started to sing the only lullaby you knew. 

      "Let's go in the garden

You'll find something waiting

Right there where you left it

Lying upside down.

When you finally find it

You'll see how its faded

The underside is lighter

When you turn it around.

Everything stays

Right where you left it

Everything stays

But it still changes

Ever so slightly

Daily and Nightly 

In little ways

When everything stays..." 


      Slowly, the baby's crying ceased, her eyes dropping as she clung to your shirt. You smiled and kissed the top of her head, Nathan and Danny sharing a collective sigh of relief. Nathan smiled at you as you walked over and gently transferred her to him, a contented smile on his face as he held his daughter. 

      "Thanks, Y/N.." Danny sighed and you gave her a hug. "Any time, she's such a sweetie." 

      "When she's not waking us up all hours of the night and refusing to eat." The ginger woman pursed her lips. You gave her a sympathetic smile and you watched as Nathan took baby Y/N upstairs. Six months later and you were still touched that they had named their daughter after you. 

      Chloe wrapped her arm around your waist and you smiled and looked up at her. She had a look on her face you couldn't place, but instead settled for planting a soft kiss on her cheek before turning to Danny. "So where's Tommy?" 

      Danny sighed and gestured for you to follow her, walking down the hallway and into the living room. Toys were scattered everywhere, but there was no sign of the two year old. "Tommy come out please, Y/N and Chloe are here." 

      "Go away!" Came a little shout from under the coffee table. You and Chloe exchanged a look before she walked over and plopped down on the floor, glancing under the coffee table. "Aw come on kid, we can't have any fun it you're stuck under there!" She tried, and he poked his head out, sticking his tongue out at her.

      "Thomas Lawrence Prescott! You say you're sorry right now!" Danny frowned, and Chloe shook her head at her. "I've got this, Red." 

      Chloe left the room and came back a few minutes later with a carton of ice cream, plopping back down on the floor and eating a spoonful. "If Tommy doesn't want to come out then that's perfectly fine. He just won't any sweets." 

      At this Tommy poked his head out from the coffee table, saw the ice cream, and scrambled out bouncing in front of Chloe. "I want some!" He cried, reaching for the spoon. 

      "Only good little boys get ice cream. If I give you some, you have to promise to be nice and not fight with us tonight, got it?" He nodded vigorously and Chloe handed him the container and the spoon. "Have at it, you little gremlin." She rolled her eyes, standing up. 

      "Well that solves that problem." She said, and you and Danny rolled your eyes. "What? I got him out didn't I?" 

      "If he gets sick I'm blaming you, Price." Danny said as Nathan came into the room. "Oh good, you got Tommy out from under the coffee table. Well we should go, hon, or we're going to miss our reservation." He said, and Danny nodded. 

      They both bent down and kissed their son on the head before waving and leaving the house, out on a rare date night. Chloe smiled at you and you couldn't help but grin back. 

      "Well, here goes our adventures in babysitting." 

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