Til Death Do Us Part

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I do not own Life is Strange or any of its characters, nor do I own Carmilla or any of its characters. UGh I'm typing on a different computer so I keep messing up, this is so frustrating shufhfjgbshjggbhfdg!!!11

      *beep*  *beep*  *beep*

      Your eyes fluttered open, slowly as you blinked away the harsh white lights. After a moment everything came into focus and you looked down at the IV in your arm, eyes squinting as you noticed the monitor to your right. 

      "What the...? Where..?" From your left there was a groan, and upon turning your head you were greeted with an exhausted looking Chloe laying with her head resting next to you. She lifted her head, rubbing her eyes as she squinted up at you. 

      "Chloe?" After the words left your mouth, it took her a few moments to realize you were actually awake. Her eyes widened and she lunched forward, wrapping her arms around you tightly. 

      You winced, feeling a little sore, which was strange because you weren't even sure why you were in the hospital. You remembered waking up, burying your face in Chloe's neck, kissing her shoulder blade.

      You remembered walking downstairs, or rather, you remembered going down the first step, your toes catching on the carpet, the air whooshing around you, this pain in the back of your head, and then darkness. Oh. 

      "How long was I..?" She slowly let go, looking up at you with so much love in her eyes, you felt your heartstrings ache for her. The bags under her eyes told you she hadn't done much sleeping, and as you reached a hand up you cupped her cheek.

      She leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips, placing a hand on top of yours. You smiled softly against her lips, resting your forehead against hers.

      "I love you.." she murmured, gripping your hand slightly tighter, the pain in her eyes overwhelming. "I was so scared.. I thought I was going to lose to you..."

      You squeezed her hand, kissing her forehead. "You'll never lose me..."

      "Well this is sweet. I hate to interrupt but they need to change your IV, Sweetpea."

      You turned to the door, surprised to see your mother leaning against the frame. "Mom...? What are you-"

      "I heard you were in the hospital from that ginger girl you know, Daisy or something?" She started, shrugging.

      "Danny, and-"

      "Danny, yes, well anyway I heard you were here and I decided to come see if you were doing alright." She explained, walking in the room, her heels clicking on the linolium.

      "I'm feeling fine now, hopefully they'll discharge me soon." You said and nudged Chloe as she pretended the older woman didn't exist.

      "Well yes, I remember you were never fond of hospitals as a child." Deandra added, and you had to bite back a laugh.

      "So, how are you and James doing?" You changed the topic. Your mother smiled, something that still sent shivers down your spine, even though you had gotten used to the sight. Following that first thanksgiving, your mother had made an effort to better herself. Now that wasn't saying she was successful, not by a long shot, no she struggled for quite a bit before starting to act more like a semi-decent person. 

      It was a few year back that she met James, an equally horrible human being, who just so happened to be quite wealthy. The two hit it off immediately, and it seemed all your mother had ever wanted in her life was coming to fruition. 

      "Oh Jimmy and I are doing great, dear! Actually, you see I was looking for you so I could tell you the good news." She grinned, and Chloe scowled. Your fiance still hadn't warmed up to Deandra, and you didn't blame her. Likewise, your mother never really appreciated Chloe's blunt attitude toward her and other things. 

      "Yeah, we've got something to share with you as well." Chloe said, gripping your hand, the one with your engagement ring. "But please, you go first." She faked a sickly sweet smile, and your mother grinned back genuinely. 

      "Alright, well, Jimmy and I are having a baby!" She said, clasping her hands together excitedly. Just like that you felt like you were going to be sick. "What?" 

      "Didn't you hear me, SweetPea? I said Jimmy and I are having a b-" 

      "I heard you." You said, jaw clenched. You started to rise from your bed, and Chloe looked at you in concern. Swinging your legs off the side of the bed, you grabbed the IV pole and started walking towards Deandra, Chloe following close behind in case you lost your balance. Once you stood eye-level with your mother you gave her the sharpest glare you were capable of, making her swallow and take a step back. 

      "Now you listen. You better clean up your act, and do it before this baby is born, because if I hear that this child ever has to suffer like I did I will personally drive down to where ever the fuck you and James are living and I will take this child under my protection. I swear to god mother that if you fuck this up you are dead to me. You don't get to mess this up. Do you understand me, Deandra." You all but hiss at her, jabbing your finger at her. 

      "No child deserves to be put through that. Maybe the second time around you'll learn from your mistakes." She stares at you for a moment, and you see tears to fill her eyes. 

      "Oh Y/N.. I know I wasn't the mother I should've been.. To be honest you were an unwanted pregnancy, and I was still just a teenager, but that's no excuse. I know that now." She sniffled and dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief she pulled from the pocket of her pants suit. "I will be a better mother, to you and my baby. I promise, Sweetpea..." 

      She went in for a hug and you sighed, letting her hug you if only for a moment. She let go after a quick minute, and you looked away. Chloe took your hand in hers, entwining your fingers, and you smiled despite yourself. 

      Deandra smiled softly and turned to leave as Chloe helped you back to the hospital bed. She stopped in the doorway, turning back to look at you. "Oh and, congratulations you two.." She nodded towards the engagement ring on your finger. 

      "I'd love to attend, if you'd have me." 

      You pursed your lips, putting the idea away for another day. She nodded leaving just as a nurse came in to check up on you. You were discharged later that afternoon. 

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