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I do not own Life is Strange or any of it's characters, this is the last chapter guys, and I just wanna say it has been so great writing this, and I want to thank you all for staying with this story, for reading forty 630-1500 word chapters, for commenting and voting, and for just being such great people. All my love goes out to you.

*Several months later*

Chloe winced as you squeezed her hand, your teeth gritted. "Fuck!" You exclaimed, groaning and throwing your head back, sweat starting to drop down your forehead as you tried to catch your breath.

"It's okay baby, it's okay, I'm here.. hey she's almost out, she's almost out baby, you need to push again.." Chloe said in a soothing voice, and you tried not to snap at her that it wasn't nearly as easy as she was making it sound.

You were currently laying in bed(stripped of the nice comforter you bought at JC Penney, thank God), getting ready to bring your little girl into the world. Unfortunately, she didn't feel so little.

"*!#$$@-&!**$#*" You swore as Danny instructed you to push one last time, and Chloe tried to contain a yelp as you nearly broke the bones in her hand.

"Come on, Y/N, you can do this, one more. One more push. On the count of three, one.. two..- ""  You stepped into the room, arms crossed.

"Chloe! You better not be telling her what I think you're telling her!" You exclaimed, walking over and setting beside your wife on your daughter's bed.

Kamilia smiled at you and sat up, her purple butterfly sheets tucked around her snugly. "Mama was telling me a story!" She smiled, and you couldn't help the stern look melting off your face, or the small smile that light it up.

"Oh? And what story would that be, princess?" You tucked a strand of h/c locks behind her ear as she laid back down.

"I got bored of the warrior princess one, so Mama was telling me a new one." Another beautiful little smile.

You turned to look at Chloe, who wrapped her arms around you and kissed you on the cheek. "You're just in time for the part where we meet Miss Kamilia over here."

You raise an eyebrow. "A PG version of this story, right?"

Chloe avoids looking you in the eyes and you can't mask the horror you're feeling right now. "Chloe! She's six, for God's sake!"

Chloe rubs the back of her neck, chuckling awkwardly. "Babe it's not that big a d-"

"Finish your sentence. I dare you." You glare at her, and Kamilia giggles. "Finish the story, Mommy."

You can never say no to those eyes of hers. You send one more glare in your wife's direction before turning to you daughter with a smiled, pulling up her covers and adjusting her stuffed animals so she's comfortable. "Alright."

She stares at you intently, solely focused on you and the ending of the story. "I had just finished bringing you into the world, and I was so tired. But I'll never forget what happened next."

"What happened next?" She whispered, captivated already. You smiled. "I got to meet you. Danny handed me this little, squirming baby, and I held her close, and I kissed the top of her little head-" You leaned over and kisses her on the forehead, earning a giggle, "-and she opened her eyes, and there you were. With your Mama's beautiful, big blue eyes, and your little button nose. You cried and cried, and it broke my heart. I wouldn't let anyone take you away from me, not even Mama." You chuckled, and Chloe took your hand in hers, entwining your fingers and placing a soft kiss to your shoulder.

"I held for for as long as I could, before Danny and Patty made me hand you over so they could make sure you had all ten little fingers-" you pinched each of her fingers, "-and all ten little toes-" you tickled her toes, earning a giggle from Kamilia as she hid partially under her covers.

"It was one of the happiest moments of my life.." you smiled. Kamilia lowered her covers from her face, looking between you and Chloe. "Is that it?"

Chloe smiled softly. "For the most part. After that, we spent most of our time taking care of you. And that leads us right back here." She leaned over, kissing her daughter on the nose. "Good night, pumpkin, sweet dreams." She said, and both you and Chloe stood, walking to the door.

Before you could walk away however, she grabbed your hand, and you stopped. "Mommy? Could you sing me the song?"

"A story and a song, huh?" You smiled, turning around and sitting back down. "Of course princess."

Chloe turned the light out the light from the door spilling into the room.

"Let's go in the garden,

You'll find something waiting,

Right there where you left it,

Lying upside down.

When you finally find it,

You'll see how it's faded,

The underside is lighter,

When you turn it around.

Everything stays,

Right where you left it,

Everything stays,

But it still changes.

Ever so slightly,

Daily and Nightly,

In little ways,

When everything stays." You finish the song as her eyelids begin to flutter, and you kiss the top of her head before standing and leaving the room.

You close the door behind you, and Chloe engulfs you in a hug, which you return for a moment before skipping out of her grasp.

"Chloe Price, I cannot believe you."

"Oh come on babe, it wasn't really bad.."

You give her a look and head to your room, Chloe in tow. The two of you get in pajamas and do your nightly routines before climbing into bed, snuggling into each other.

"I love you.." you whisper to her, and she smiles into your hair, whispering back as you begin to drift into sleep.

"I love you too.." 

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