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the subtle jerks of the train rocked park sooyoung awake. she looked at the empty seats around her while she remembered where she was. a long sigh came out of the pale-skinned girl and she neatly fixed her silky raven hair that had became slightly tangled during her short nap.

the mellow young damsel glanced out of the long vehicle's transparent framed pane and caught the sight of a picturisque yellow blooming field. she watched as the field passed by and disappeared out of sight while buildings began appearing in the distance. after a few more minutes, the train slowed down into a stop, indicating that they have arrived in a train station. grabbing her possesions leisurely, sooyoung composedly sauntered out of the transport and inhaled the fresh air to her lungs.

it had been a year since she last visited the city which was last spring ─ a particular occurrence she still grieved to and felt depressed upon the flashbacks of her memory. an amiable man gone extinct from the world and involuntarily left a dainty woman mourning.

but sooyoung had promised him that she won't dwell in the past and continue forward no matter how hard it is. so she did and tried her best to overcome the grief for the sake of both him and herself. the treasured memories of them together remained cherished in her heart as time continues to pass by.

even though it was hard to accept the fact that taehyung is gone, park sooyoung took her time to finally approbate it and acknowledge that unfortunate reality. also aware that she generally have no reason to visit that place again where they met every spring, sooyoung decided to visit it once again even though she knew taehyung would no longer be there waiting for her to come and be in his arms.

sighing, sooyoung hailed a cab and headed to her destination. it didn't take long until she finally arrived to that familiar looking place and got off the transport vehicle.

sooyoung peered around the vicinity, miultiple clusters of flower buds planted down the ground in anticipation to bloom soon and provide beauty and a spring feeling. and as a matter of fact, not a single person was in sight.

taehyung is not here, sooyoung reminded herself mentally. although she had accepted that he was no longer in existence, a tiny hope in her considered her doubting and hesitant assumption of taehyung appearing to her and telling her that everything was just a horrible dream. but then again, it was just a tiny hope of hers.

gnawing onto her lower lip, the young female continued her stroll silently. seeing this place after what seemed like forever when it usually didn't feel like it before, brought a nostalgic and sentimental feeling to sooyoung, her heart tightening in wistful yearning. countless times had sooyoung blamed herself for taehyung's 'death', a mistake she unknowingly committed leading to the loss of her beloved.

'with the kiss from the conceiver, i shall disappear.' taehyung had said. sooyoung was the conceiver, and taehyung received a kiss from her resulting him to disappear. it's her fault taehyung's gone. if only she had not let him kiss her, then he would still be here by her side. but then again, sooyoung had not been informed that taehyung will magically vanish from her kiss.

unlike those typical fairytales wherein the heroine is saved from a curse with a true love's kiss from 'the one', sooyoung and taehyung's story is technically the opposite ─ demise caused by a sincere and genuine kiss.


their story is quite a disaster, conatining of the genre angst. unpleasant. there is no such thing as 'happily ever after' in their own 'pathetic' tale because this was reality
─ an awful and terrible reality. perhaps, life just did not particularly favoured sooyoung. sad but true. it just can't be helped.

things just doesn't always go as you want it to be. maybe this all happened for a reason. it could be that taehyung disappearing was his fate and sooyoung continuing her life without him is her destiny. possibly, all that has happened and will happen is just according to God's plans for both of them. perhaps, they're really just not meant to b─


the called girl freezes at the strangely familiar voice ─ a deep yet a soothing tone which brought a mix of thrill, anticipation, anxiety and doubt. suddenly, her heart accelerates in an incredibly rapid pace, her pulsation almost audible for the bare ears. could it be...?

slowly, sooyoung spuns her head around and gasps in utter shock. with round eyes, her pupils began to quiver. sooyoung could feel blood being drained out of her face, leaving her skin extremely pallid. she looked like she just seen a ghost and in fact, she actually did.



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a/n: the next chapter will be the last!

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