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warm tears spilling from her glossy eyes, shock completely evident on her beautiful face and her heart heavily beating against her ribcage ─ like it desperately needed to escape.

sooyoung scoffs but as she stares longer at the familiar figure in front of her, she eventually whimpers in grievance.

across her, taehyung stood smiling.

"...w-what...is this?" she questions in lament. "why...? i thought you were...g-gone. yet you're right...here. i-i don't understand." she pauses for a moment. "is that really you, t-taehyung?"

the young man nods slowly and gives a soft weak smile.

"it's me, taehyung." he says. "...kim taehyung."

sooyoung stares at him, kim taehyung? he claimed himself as taehyung but unlike before, with a surname. sooyoung didn't understand but one thing for sure, this was taehyung. she was for sure. it was no mistaking it.

sooyoung frowns, "how dare you?" she cries. "how dare you show up in front of me after suddenly disappearing like that in thin air, leaving me?! how da─" she pauses as she takes a deep breath, the frown on her face being replaced with a pained look. "...jerk."

with that one last word, sooyoung feels her legs become weak and she slumps down the ground in defeat. taehyung rushes to her direction and crouches down beside her. as he places his warm big arms around her, taehyung felt sooyoung flinch in surprise at his touch.

"i'm sorry." taehyung began. "i thought i was a goner too...but the next thing i knew after disappearing, i woke up lying on a bed in a hospital room."

placing his hands on both sides of sooyoung's cheeks, he raises her head for her to look at him. using his thumb to wipe her tears from her rosy cheeks, taehyung gives a genuine grin.

"hey, stop crying." he tells her. "i'm back, alright. i'm here. i'm right here, beside you. i won't ever leave you alone again. i promise."

sooyoung slowly stops and stares right to taehyung's eyes, a look asking for reassurance painted in her hazel eyes. "promise?"

taehyung nods with a sincere smile. "promise."

with that one single word escaping his mouth, sooyoung grins in relieved delight, her eyes yet glossy. "well then..." she begans and wraps her arms around his neck for a firm embrace.

"welcome back, kim taehyung. i missed you."


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a/n: last chapter!!!

For those who didn't understand this confusing fanfic of mine, here's an explanation:

the story starts where joy waits for spring to arrive so she could finally visit taehyung again, who is in fact, her boyfriend. and when she finally sees him after so long, they spend the spring together.

but in the chapter 'stay', in the end, im sure you noticed taehyung's little dialogue in the end, itself a cue to when 'shit's getting real'. that part when he says something like "i'll soon cease to exist - just like how it's suppose to be." then in chapter 'little', when tae's body was slowly disappearing he said "im just something you conceived. at least that's what THEY said." they, is the voices in taehyung's head. the voices that told him he's just an illusion created from joy's imagination. and did yall see that 'at least'? meaning, there is a possibility it isn't true that he's just an illusion.

and as i mentioned in my author's notes in the same chapter (little), i said something about a hint of one of our main character's real identity which is generally refering to taehyung. and that hint is in the last paragraph of the chapter notice the italicized letters in some of the words there?  join them together by order and you'll create the word g h o s t . (someone found that hint right der)

that is why, in chapter 'please' (the second one), there was a sentence mentioned somewhere in the middle: "no hint of human presence besides sooyoung was present."

so in result, that hint revealed taehyung's true identity. he is not an illusion but a spirit whose actual body is in coma in the hospital. when taehyung's soul and body was still united a few years back in the story, he got into a tragic accident and went into coma. somehow, his soul got separated from his body and he wandered to that place where joy and him met for the first time and that was how they started their relationship. joy, somehow, was able to see him while others can't. but she wasn't aware of that ability. and note, taehyung couldn't remember anything when he was only a spirit. that explains why he had no surname when he was still a ghost.

and so, the moment taehyung disappeared, he woke up in a hospital room, as he mentioned in the last chapter. but i've gotta tell ya'll, he couldn't remember what happened during the past years, including his memories with joy when he woke up from his four year coma. it took time for him to recover his memories, maybe at least a month or more. and when he did remember, he wanted to rush back to that place but couldn't cause he still had to receive treatment and he remembered that joy prolly wasn't there at that time. so he waited for spring and hoped that joy would come back despite the fact that she believes he was gone. and when she did, you know what happened and so on...

ok that was very long. but if u have other questions, feel free to ask in the comment section. thank you for reading this short fanfic and voting and commenting. thank you for the support. te amo readers💖

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