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While Michael was having a rather one-sided conversation with his father, Ashton was waiting.

He didn't go to worship that morning. In fact, he didn't think he ever would. Instead, he got some more sleep to make up for the sleepless nights. When he finally got up, he didn't go to the chapel either. After getting breakfast, he wandered the corridors, this time with a destination. While walking through the castle the night before, he had found the perfect spot to keep an eye on all the rooms Luke could possibly go to.

So he sat there. And waited.

None of the servants noticed the teenager sat in a chair against the wall, a book open on his lap, they were too stressed for that. They were still trying their best to keep the duke happy and satisfied, especially now he was having a rather loud conversation with Michael.

Ashton didn't notice any of this though, he was too enthralled by his search. When he finally spotted a certain blond, it didn't matter any more. Nothing mattered. Right now, he would just have a reading session with Luke and that was all.


The blond turned around when he heard Ashton's sound, a shy small on his face. Ashton beamed at him and walked up to him.

"Good morning. Do you feel like reading again today?"

He could've sworn Luke's eyes lit up when he said that, so he assumed they were both just as excited.

"C'mon, follow me."

Like every day, they went to a new room. Luke had expected this, it felt like some sort of routine, and he liked it. He liked sharing a routine with someone.

They sat down in the last but one room, both of their backs rested against the cool wall. Ashton had locked the door, so no one would barge in. Besides, the chances of someone coming here were rather small.

"Would you like to hear about Alexander the Great?"

Ashton asked, patiently awaiting Luke's response. The boy mumbled a quiet yes and Ashton opened the book, picking a random anecdote. He was about to explain to Luke who Alexander was, when he tapped his shoulder.

"Yes, Luke?"

Ashton asked politely, trying his best to suppress a giggle.

"Can I look at the letters while you read?"

It took a lot of effort for Luke to ask that question, but he really wanted to see how stories worked. He had never learnt how to read, nor had he ever been so close to someone who could read.

"Of course."

Luke sent Ashton a questioning look, it was a way to test his boundaries, something the both of them had been doing quite a lot lately. After the elder boy nodded encouragingly, Luke shuffled a little closer, so his body was touching Ashton's.

Ashton quickly gave Luke a summary of Alexander the Great's life in a desperate attempt to distract himself. Because he could feel Luke breathing next to him. From this close, he could even smell him.

It took all his strength to calm down his heartbeat, especially when Luke rested his head on Ashton's shoulder. The boy was so innocent, he was completely oblivious to what he meant to Ashton. But Ashton insisted on keeping it that way, rather than shocking him or making him disgusted.

While he read, he followed to words with his finger, so Luke could follow too.

It didn't take him very long to finish the story about Alexander slicing the Gordian knot in two and he was about to start a new one, when Luke stopped him.

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