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Running through empty halls, ducking when a servant passed by, sneaky kisses and linked arms.


It all sent shivers down Luke's spine.


The good kind, the excited kind. He wasn't used to breaking rules and going against what he's told. It went in against his instinct, his survival mode. Despite the tingling feeling in his skin and Ashton's comforting grip on his hand, he had to fight the urge to run away and hide.


Because that was what he was good at. Hiding and not getting noticed.


But Ashton's kisses and touches had coloured his camouflaged skin an adorable shade of red. His skills were slowly fading with every glance Ashton casted on him. Because you're so beautiful, Luke. Please don't hide yourself. Please don't try to escape someone's gaze. They will praises themselves lucky if they manage to catch a glance at even just an inch of your body. Oh Luke, my precious Luke, your eyes are enough to melt someone.


So when they turned around the corner, bumping into a servant, he needed a moment to compose himself. Untangling their hands hurt him more than ripping off a band-aid but seeing Ashton standing up straight filled him with a glorious feeling of pride.


"Sir Ashton," the young woman looked startled, "I'm so, so sorry."


Ashton brushed himself off, taking a step away from both Luke and the servant before answering.


"It's okay, things like that happen."


He smiled sweetly, without letting go of his prestigious persona. The woman looked equally shocked by running into him as by catching his nice side.


Little did she know that ever since he'd met Luke his anger had stayed hidden underneath a pile of loving thoughts. Luke was like his very own opium, except he didn't make him throw up. In fact, there weren't any side effects at all, safe for the seemingly permanent swollen lips and recurring dark red bruises on his neck.


"Should we bring your meals to Sir Michael's examination rooms again?"


She offered and Ashton nodded.


"We would appreciate that. Thank you."


Luke wisely kept quiet. He felt so immensely huge and loud under her gaze and now Ashton couldn't do anything to make things better. The older boy was stuck with his son-of-the-duke attitude, so even a quick glance was out of person. He focused on the servant and didn't show any signs of being aware of his presence, let alone of his struggle.


"Excuse me, but is everything okay? We are rather worried about Sir Michael, we haven't seen him in ages. What is he doing in there?"


She seemed truly upset, her voice wavered a little when she tried to finish her question.

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