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Thanks for all the comments on the last chapter!

"He- you let my father rape you?"

Not a single trace of disgust or accusation could be heard in Ashton's voice, just utter confusion. 

"Yes, I-"

Luke started his sentence, but he never finished it. He didn't know what to say. To be honest, he was surprised Ashton hadn't sent him away yet. 

He had an explanation, he really did. He simply didn't know where to start. 

"Luke, please don't leave me hanging like this."

Ashton's request was to be expected. Of course he couldn't just drop a bomb like that. 

Luke whimpered, desperately searching for the right words. But the syllable's refused to leave his lips and left him speechless once again.

"I'd say, start from the beginning. But that's why you can't explain, isn't it? You don't want to tell me the beginning."

Ashton was right. Luke didn't want to tell him yet. There was only so much one person could take in and Luke's whole life story was definitely too much. 

"Just say something, okay?"

For the first time since he had told Ashton, Luke was able to form a coherent sentence. 

"I will, if you promise not to give up on me after I tell you."

It was a big thing to ask, he knew that, but he needed Ashton. He liked having him around and he thought that maybe, he would finally find what he had been looking for all his life. 

"I would never do that. I promise it on my mother's grave."

Luke swallowed and closed his eyes. The words flashed before his eyes and he mentally picked some out, carefully and slowly. 

"I'm not actually a servant here."

"I know."

Ashton sent him a small smile. 

"I made Michael check the records. Not a single Luke, not even a Lucas."

And still he hadn't left him right then and there.

"That's why I hide so often. I came here looking for shelter and food, I was willing to work but there were no more jobs available. I stayed anyway. I avoided talking to people and tried not to draw any attention."

"But something went wrong."

"Somehow, your father, out of all people, noticed me. He-"

Luke closed his eyes, thinking back off the first moment he had seen the duke. He had been so scared, afraid he would throw him out. 

Or worse.

The tall, muscular man did look rather terrifying, with his dark hair and bright green eyes. He held Luke's future in his hands.

"There's something about being your father's favourite. I got a decent place to sleep, enough food, sometimes he even gave me blankets or other things. He- he liked to keep his boys healthy."

To say Ashton was shocked was an understatement, never could he have guessed that his father did things like this. Or that he was even into it. 

"Of course it didn't come for free."

Luke sighed, hiding deeper into the blankets. He liked them, they were softer than the duke's and they smelled liked Ashton. 

"So you got all that in exchange for sexual intercourse, am I right?"

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