Chapter 1

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 You walked up to your new school. It was the size of a mansion, but it hardly had any students. This was the only school in Seoul that actually had something you wanted to study, so despite its price, you decided that it was worth it. Stepping through the doors, you walked down the hallway and into your classroom. What could this school possibly be doing that it need such a big campus with so little students? On the bright side, the majority of the students were male. Out of the entire 250 students, 100 of them seniors, including you, 50 of them juniors, 50 of them sophomores, and 50 of them freshmen, about 165 of them were boys. "Yah, are you the new student?" a voice asked from behind you. You turned around to find an orange-haired boy behind you. "Um...y-yes." You stuttered. 

The boy smiled looking at you. "I'm Jimin, one of the seniors in your class." He said. 

"Ah, I-I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you, Jimin." You smiled as you lent out your hand for him to shake.

"Yah, Jimin. Are you scaring the girls off again?" You heard another voice say. 

You looked to the side and saw a group of 6 boys approaching you two. "This is (y/n). She's the new student." Jimin joked, pretending to be angry about the comment but then smirking back at you. 

"Ah we have a girl! She's so pretty!" The dark-haired boy complimented.

"Yah, Jungkook! Don't make her feel uncomfortable." Another with blonde hair scolded.

 "Sorry about that. The name's Namjoon." He smiled, slightly bowing before you. 

You smiled beginning to feel a bit awkward around so many boys. "Hi, I'm (y/n)." You politely introduced yourself.

"She's so cute." You heard one of them whisper. 

Soon enough, you got to remember each of their names. And turns out, you had Jimin for every single class and you can't say that you really complained about it. You thought that he was one of the cutest out of his group of friends. His soft, flowy hair, those perfect mono-lidded eyes, and his perfect lips. Plus, he was super funny and caring. What more could a girl want? "Yah, so (y/n)! Do you maybe wanna go out and get some coffee or something to eat before you go home?" Jimin asked as the two of you walked to your lockers.

"Sure! I have to be home by 7 though because my parents have a strict curfew on me ever since I moved schools." You nervously laughed, Jimin looked at you with shock.

"What?! Did you do something bad before you came here?" He joked. You lightly punched his shoulder with a laugh.

"Aniya! There was just....this um...really creepy guy who had a crush on me and he would like...stalk me and stuff, It got really scary." You sighed, looking down at the floor as you opened your locker.

Jimin looked at you with a hint of sadness, but little did you know that he was burning with anger inside. He had barely met you only a few hours ago but he couldn't exactly understand why he was becoming so anger as he listened to your story. "Don't worry (y/n), I'll protect you." He smiled as he threw one of his arms around your neck and smiled at you.

Oh, that smile could kill millions! "Thank you, Jimin." You smiled back.

"Yaaah~ you two are getting this close already?! Save some time for us to Jimin!" You heard Namjoon's voice say as he threw his own arm over you from the opposite side.

You looked at the group of boys with a smile. The were all so nice to you. "Yah (y/n), don't spend so much time with this one here. He's a bad influence." Jungkook teased as he came up from behind Jimin and started poking him with his finger.

You laughed at all the boys who decided to tease Jimin until you saw his face. It was almost like he was fed up with it all. "Yah! Don't tell her that! She might not want to go out with me anymore!" Jimin snapped trying to stay cool.

"Go out? Don't kid yourself Jimin, (y/n)'s too nice and innocent for you." V laughed.

"Well, actually Jimin and I were going to get some coffee after school~" You informed, taking all of them by surprise.

"Ah~ well, looks like Jimin has proved himself worthy of your time then. We'll catch you guys later!" Jin said before walking off, followed by the rest of the boys.

You looked at Jimin who was already angry. "You okay, Jimin? You know the were just kidding, right? I think you're a really great guy." You smiled, trying to look at him in the eyes.

"Yea. Come on. Let's just get out of here please." You said, taking you by the hand and leading you out the door.

The two of you made it to a small coffee shop nearby your house. "So, can you tell me a little more about yourself?" You asked Jimin as he sat in front of you, just staring each time you took a sip of your drink.

"Well um, my name is Park Jimin." He smiled.

"Yah! I already know that~" You laughed.

"I know, I know let me continue~ I'm 19 years old and I am a singer and dancer." He smiled, wiggling his shoulders.

"Oh! Can I hear a little somethin' somethin'?" You laughed.

"Um...o-okay~" He nervously stuttered before signing.

His voice was amazing! It had this beautiful kind of crack to it. It was definitely higher than the rest of his friends but that's what was so unique and beautiful about it. "You have such an amazing voice." You complimented.

Jimin smiled and continued to tell you more about him. The two of you easily lost track of time and soon enough it was 6:55. "Shit! I have to get home or I'm dead." You said all of the sudden before getting up and gathering your things in a hurry.

"Well, let me take you. You can't go by yourself. It's really dark." Jimin offered.

"N-no, it's okay Jimin, really. You've already done enough, I mean you brought me to this amazing place and bought me coffee. I couldn't ask you to do anymore. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" You smiled before leaving.  You were halfway home and it was already 7. You were for sure going to get your ass beat. You kept on walking home when you heard footsteps behind you. Your heart sank to the pit of your stomach and you could feel your insides turning. Someone was behind you and you didn't have a good feeling about it either. You walked faster, not even thinking about turning back to see who was behind you. You kept your eyes on the ground and quickly turned a corner only to bumped into some unknown man who smelled entirely of alcohol. "Hello, there pretty." The man smiled, taking you by the shoulders and bringing you deeper into an alleyway.

"No! No leave me alone! My parents are expecting me and I'm already late. Someone's probably looking for me right now so let me go!" You yelled trying to escape.

"There's gonna be nothing to look for after we're done with you sweetheart." The voice of the man who was following you said.

You yelled and yelled for someone to help you as you struggled between the two men. Suddenly the man behind fell to the floor and you could feel another pair of hands grab you by the waist and pull you away from the other. "Run (y/n)! Hurry and go home!" Your rescuer yelled.

"J-Jungkook?" You questioned.

The man who grabbed you started to fight with Jungkook as you stood there in shock. He got Jungkook by the rim of his shirt and slammed him against the brick wall. By the sound of impact, you could tell it wasn't going to go well for him if you left. You scanned the area and picked up a piece of construction wood and hit it against the guy's head with all your might, knocking him out. You helped Jungkook up and escorted him to your house. "(Y/n)! You're late! Do you know what time it is?!" Your mother yelled in anger.

You were at a loss for words. Jungkook stood up and straightened out his blazer. "I'm sorry for keeping (y/n) so late Mrs. (y/l/n), but she helped me with a really bad fall at school. If anyone's to blame it's me. She was just being a really good friend." Jungkook said.

You looked at him in surprise. Your mother accepted the apology and let you inside, leaving you to think about what a first day of school you had.

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