Chapter 4

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You mother was angry that you had been so reckless as to jump in between two boys who were in a fight, but she was more thankful that you weren't seriously injured and that you made it home in one piece. It's been a month and a half since the fight and 3 weeks since you had broken up with Jimin. He was completely different. You felt like you didn't even know him at this point. He scared you and you didn't want to be in a relationship filled with fear. The two of you agreed to continue to stay friends, but Jimin would always act a bit strange around you - sort of twitchy and off. Jungkook and Taehyung walked home with you after your day at school. Your mother glared at the two boys who walked in after you - mainly at Jungkook. You told her all about the situation and she was furious. Jungkook was one of her favorites and she felt like he was supposed to protect you. "We'll be in my room, ok mom?" You yelled.

The two of you walked in and you plopped down on your bed. "How's your hand doing. (y/n)?" Taehyung asked, looking at your hand, gently running his fingers across it.

"It's doing better." You smiled.

You looked at Jungkook and saw a disappointed look on his face. With a sigh, you got up and hugged the black-haired boy. "There Jungkook, quit being so hung up about what happened, ok?" You urged as you slid your hand back and forth on his back.

"I know, I know...I just can't help but feel like it's my fault though. I mean, it all started because of me." He sighed, stepping back a bit to look you in the eyes.

"It isn't Kookie, trust me." You weakly smiled before sitting back down on your bed.

"Guys, have any of you noticed that Jimin has been acting a bit strange since...well, you know?" Taehyung asked, looking out of your window.

"A bit. Maybe he's still upset about the breakup." Jungkook suggested before he sat down next to you.

"Maybe." Taehyung bluntly stated.

You looked at the floor as your rested your head in your hands and your elbows on your knees. Tears welled up in your eyes and your chin began to shiver. Jungkook looked at you concerned and so did Taehyung. You instantly began to cry when you felt Jungkook's and Taehyung's embrace. "It's my fault. It's all my fault. I didn't like him as much as he did when he asked me out and I said 'yes'. I told him I wanted to be with him when I wasn't sure and felt stronger towards Jungkoo-" Your eyes were wide and you couldn't believe what had just come out of your mouth.

"Wh-what..." Jungkook trailed, looking at you.

"I um..what?" You nervously laughed, quickly getting up away from the two.

"Who's hungry? I'm hungry! I think we're all a little hungry. I'm gonna bring some food. Be back soon! Bye!" You quickly muttered before leaving the room and down to the kitchen.

"Did she just say..." Jungkook uneasily trailed as he looked at Taehyung.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Hey, do you think birds sing 'I Believe I Can Fly' before they leave the nest for the first time?" Tae nervously laughed before he walked toward the window to stare out of it again.

Jungkook quickly stood up and grabbed Taehyung by the shoulder and turned him around. "Aniya! You knew she liked me and you didn't tell me anything?!" Jungkook questioned somewhat loudly but not to an extent where anyone else could hear.

"No Jungkook...well yes and no...I don't know ok?! I just...I wanted to help her and I knew if I said anything then I wouldn't be able to help." Taehyung trailed.

Jungkook sat on the bed and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to be with you for so long and he finally has the chance to, but if he does then he'd hurt Jimin like never before. The confused boy stood up with a sigh, stood up, and left the room only to bump into you. "O-oh hey." You stuttered.

Your hands were on his upper chest and his on your hips.


You opened your mouth to say something but before you could speak Jungkook crashed his lips onto yours. "Fucking knew it!" You heard.

You both quickly turned your heads. "J-Jimin..." You trailed, trying to walk towards him.

"No! I knew something was going on between you two...I fucking knew it and you lied to me! It might not seem like it now (y/n) but you're going to be mine." Jimin yelled before storming out of the house and hitting the wall.

"At least your mom left before that happened." You and Jungkook heard Taehyung state behind you.

That night you laid in your bed staring at the ceiling, replaying the entire situation in your head over and over again. All of the sudden, you heard a crash from the kitchen. Your eyes widened and scanned the room in fear. "" You trailed over and over.

You slowly got out of bed and peeked out from your door. You looked across the hall and saw your mom peek out from her door. She waved her hand and silently told you to get back in your room. Your father came out from behind your mom and took the lead into the kitchen. "Dad, wait, please! Don't go..."

Right after your father left into the kitchen, your mother followed behind and tried to shoo you away with her hand once more. You shook your head back and forth, not wanting to leave your parents alone. The two of you slowly stepped into the kitchen, turned on the light but found no one there. The window was open and broken glass was everywhere. "Damn it! What the hell?!" You dad yelled.

You carefully walked towards the window to close it and found a piece of ripped flannel. Whoever broke in must have caught their shirt on the broken glass. You took the piece of ripped clothing and put it up to tell the boys about what happened and how scared you were. Something strange and scary was going on and you had a feeling Jimin had something to do with it.  

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