Chapter 5

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You woke up the next morning. You opened your eyes and stared at the ceiling. Why did it feel like everything was falling apart? Jimin was now a completely different person. Jungkook found out about your feelings for him. And you potentially broke up a friendship that would have went perfectly fine without you. You got dressed for school and walked out the door. You walked the same route you always did when you heard a loud siren pull up behind you. About 4 police cars and 2 ambulances had rushed right passed you. You could feel your heart sink. You felt like something bad was happening and there was a lot more to come. You watched the emergency vehicles drive down the street, hoping and praying the would turn right, hoping and praying the would happen to turn on the street where Jungkook lived. There was a weird smell in the air, almost as if something was burning. You looked up a saw a large cloud of smoke erupting from the street where Jungkook lived. "Oh no...Jungkook!" You dashed right after the police.

There was a crowd of people at the scene. Jungkook's house was in flames. His parents were out in the lawn fighting with the firefighters and crying their hearts out. Jungkook was nowhere to be seen. You could hear yells erupting from Jungkook's bedroom. "Jungkook!" You screamed, trying to run in the house and attempt to save your friend before you were caught by two men. 

"No! Jungkook! He's still in there! You have to save him please! Jungkook!" You cried and screamed and yelled like your life depended on it.

You heard a group of steps and looked back to see the rest of the group - all except Jimin. They all tried to rush inside to save their life long friend but just as they did you, a couple of firemen had to stop them. Unexpectedly, two people came out of the burning house, dragging Jungkook in between them. His body was covered in ash and smoke and he seemed to be unconscious. All six of you ran to Jungkook as they placed him on a stretcher and put an oxygen mask on him. You all tried your best to hop into the ambulance and ride to the hospital with him but it was strictly restricted to family members. Jungkook's mother told you, along with the rest of boys, to meet them at the hospital as soon as they could if they wished to see him. You face was covered in tears, just as most of the other boys. You turned back at the house, which was nearly burnt entirely. It was then that you saw a familiar figure - Park Jimin. He stood casually on the lawn, staring at the house in what seemed to be amusement. You furrowed your eyebrows completely confused. Had he been there the entire time? Taehyung looked back to see what you were staring at and saw Jimin. He narrowed his eyes as anger swept up his body; he knew Jimin had something to do with this given what happened yesterday. Taehyung marched right past you in Jimin's direction, snapping you out of your trance. "Taehyung wait! Don't!" You shouted.

You knew this couldn't end well. Taehyung grabbed Jimin by the rim of his shirt and pulled him close. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You did this didn't you?! This was your fault!"

You had never seen Taehyung in such a state. You have never seen him in any kind of negative state at all! Jimin was emotionless until he began to laugh. "I don't know what you're talking about Tae. I'm just as caught off guard as you are. I assumed it was a simple act of misfortune." Jimin smirked.

The rest of the boys ran to the place of confrontation. Taehyung was so loud that it practically caught the attention of everyone who stood out to watch.  "You know exactly what I'm talking about Jimin! You did this because Jungkook and (y/n) had feelings for each other and you wanted him out of the picture didn't you!"

Jimin was now starting to get pissed off. "I suggest you let me go before your house catches fire next." Jimin snapped.

"Is that a threat!"

You had to break the two up before anything serious happened. "Stop! Both of you! Jungkook is in the hospital right now! We have to focus on him!"

Jimin huffed and shoved his hands in his pocket. "I don't waste my time on backstabbing low lives." Jimin said before walking off.


You could feel someone take your hand in theirs and turned around to see Hoseok. "We have to go..."

All of you walked to your house. You explained to your mom about what happened and she decided that it was fine for you to take the day off of school. You all went to the hospital to visit Jungkook in the ER. Jungkook was cleaned up and still had an oxygen mask on. The doctor explained that if Jungkook had stayed in there any longer he would have died from smoke inhalation before anything else. You cried just looking at the state in which he was in. You all stayed for hours upon end until you and Taehyung were the only ones left. "I know Jimin had something to do with this - No, in fact, I know he did this." Tae snapped.

You looked at him saddened. "S-someone broke into my house last night...I-I think it was Jimin. After he found out about Jungkook and I...he's been acting more violent. I'm scared honestly." 

Taehyung sighed and engulfed you in a hug. "The rest of the guys might not know what's going on but I understand. I see it too. Don't worry (y/n), I'll keep you safe no matter what."

Taehyung kissed the top of your head not knowing that you two had a pair of eyes watching you the entire time. After a while both you and Tae decided to go home. It was late at night and you had just texted your mom that you were on the way. You had a creeping thought that someone was behind you and you weren't wrong. A hand grabbed you by the shoulder and turned you around. You let out a slight scream only to have their hand cover your mouth. "Be quiet please." 

You let out a sigh of relief when you saw it was Yoongi. "Yoongi oppa? Excuse me but what the hell are you doing sneaking up on a girl so late at night?!" You sarcastically asked.

"Hahaha...very funny. I'm walking you home idiot." Yoongi blankly stated with a slight tilt in his head.

"Have you been following me this entire time?"

"That doesn't matter. Look, I might not know what the whole story is here but I'm observant enough to know that something's going on."

You sighed in defeat. Eventually, everyone would find out. "Yoongi...Jimin found out that I had stronger feelings toward Jungkook when he had asked me to be his girlfriend and he's acting all weird and it's kind of scaring me. Taehyung thinks Jimin is out to get Jungkook. I'm not saying it's too far fetched but I just...I don't know."

Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. "This isn't something you and Taehyung can handle yourselves. If Jimin really is...I don't know, losing it, then it's something we all have to talk about."

You sighed and averted your eyes to the floor. "Yeah, you're right."

Yoongi made a weak one-sided smile and put his arm around your shoulder. "Come on let's get you home. It's dangerous for such a girly girl like you to be walking home by yourself." Yoongi said.

"Hey! I can defend myself!"

"Oh yeah~ that scream really did scare me off there, Bruce Lee." Yoongi sarcastically said as he continued to walk you home. Where would this situation go and how would it end up for the others?  

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