Chapter 4

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Yep, years later. Here are 5 or so chapters!! Please let me know if you want me to continue this fic past chapter 9. I hope you enjoy! 

As Ciel and Sebastian stepped outside, Ciel could feel the midnight air nipping at his exposed skin. The night was quiet, save for the birds chirping lightly in the tree tops. He'd never been outside in the garden at night before, and the new feeling was welcomed.

Sebastian led Ciel to a soft patch of grass next to the garden's pond. The moon had decided to stay hidden behind the clouds, bathing the world in complete darkness. Everything that moved was all but a shadow in the shadows... Darkness lurked in every corner, tainting everything in its wake... And Sebastian couldn't help but wonder...

"Is this how you feel?" Sebastian asked, guiding Ciel to sit.


"I guess I should explain...Everything is dark. There is no moon out tonight."

Ciel nodded his head. "Yea, um." He dug his hands into the grass, pulling up a few roots. "I guess. Everything for me is dark..." He paused "But the darkness isn't so bad you know?"

Sebastian remained silent, respectfully listening to Ciel's honey sweet voice as he continued.

"Just because I can't see anything, that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the world for what it has to offer. Sight is not needed to love, feel, experience."

Sebastian smirked. He reached down to the grass and took Ciel's hand in his. "You are quite interesting Ciel..."

As Sebastian gazed down into the small ponds' reflection, he noticed that the moon had reappeared, revealing Ciel's beautiful... and blushing face.

I guess I will truly never know how this boy lives... Sebastian thought.

Yet with Ciel's hand in his, he could feel the occasional tremor that would run through the small boy's body. He looked over to Ciel and found him shivering lightly, teeth chattering as he sat in his nightgown.

"You're cold." Sebastian stated.

Ciel shook his head. "N-No I'm not" he stuttered.

With a sigh, Sebastian slipped off his coat. "Don't lie to me Ciel." With that, he gently draped the coat over Ciel's shoulders. The large coat fully engulfed the boy's small frame, acting as a blanket of sorts.

Ciel gripped the sides of the coat tightly, pulling it closer to his body. "Thank you..." he murmured.

And the two said nothing more, just simply sat in silence, that is, a comfortable silence.

At one point, Ciel stretched out his bare feet, only to accidentally touch the ponds' icy cold water.

"Eek!" Ciel shrieked, instantly recoiling his legs to meet his chest.

"Ciel? Are you okay?" Sebastian asked frantically. "It was water, just water."

Ciel breathed a sigh of relief. "Yea" he laughed lightly "I'm fine."

Then hesitantly, he dipped his toes back in the water. He flinched at the cold temperature, but eventually settled his feet in the water with a sigh.

"Feels nice" Ciel murmured.

"I bet." Sebastian replied.

And as the night grew, so did Ciel's drowsiness. Then once, he even dared to rest his head on Sebastian's shoulder.

Sebastian smiled sweetly and wrapped his arm around Ciel's body, gently pulling him closer. At first, Ciel stiffened, but once Sebastian's warmth reached his body, he eventually relaxed.

Bittersweet SebastianxCielWhere stories live. Discover now