Chapter 7

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Sebastian led Ciel inside the cafeteria, and sat him down at one of the vacant tables. Ciel hesitantly sat down on the chair's cold surface, nerves piquing to every loud noise. He'd only been inside the cafeteria once or twice, all other times his food was brought to him. And so from this, he was used to a certain kind of silence. He'd never really interacted with the other patients, and so now all of the foreign noises simply overwhelmed him.

The cafeteria was mildly packed; patients were lining up to get their food, some were talking amongst themselves in small groups at the tables, tittering about this and that. Shrill, bubbly laughter erupted from one of the patients, causing Ciel to immediately shake.

Sebastian noticed Ciel's reaction and tenderly took the frightened boy's hand in his. Ciel greeted Sebastian's touch, nerves soothed by the older man's warmth.

"I'm okay." Ciel sighed. "It's just... new that's all."

Sebastian frowned. "Are you sure? We can go out to the garden or something."

"No that's okay." Ciel shook his head. "I'll be fine."

Sebastian knitted his eyebrows in concern, but eventually settled with a "Well I'm going to get the ice cream. Are you okay here on your own?"


"What kind do you want?"

Ciel grinned shyly. "Chocolate."

Sebastian came back with two ice-cream cones in hand, a perfect dollop of chocolate on one for Ciel, and vanilla for himself.

Ciel was sitting quietly at the table, nervously biting his lip out of force of habit. He wasn't sure quite to expect and so when Sebastian tapped on his shoulder to get his attention, he released a frightened shriek.

The cafeteria immediately silenced. All mouths hushed and all heads turned to look at the pair.

Ciel flushed red in embarrassment. Even though he couldn't see their gazes he could feel them. He also knew that the immediate silence wasn't a very good sign either.

Sebastian waved off the onlookers and tried to calm things with a polite smile. "Everything is alright. Please, continue eating." he cooed, words sugary sweet.

Eventually, after a few skeptical glances, the cafeteria settled back into a collection of murmurs.

Sebastian sat down across from Ciel with an apologetic sigh.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you."

Ciel just shook his head. "You didn't mean to..." he whispered.

Sebastian frowned. He opened his mouth to speak but decided against it. Instead, he handed Ciel the ice-cream.

"Chocolate. Waffle cone." he said sweetly, hoping to cheer Ciel up.

Ciel held the cone in his hand, and then gently stuck out his tongue to lick the ice-cream. Savory chocolate danced on his tongue, and he nodded his head in approval.

With a faint smile, he murmured. "It's good. Thank you..."

Instead of replying, Sebastian simply returned the smile...

Sebastian watched, infatuated with the young boy before him. Ciel's blue tinged hair fell messily, yet somehow gracefully, down the sides of his face. His tiny mouth parted as he lapped up the treat, and Sebastian could still feel the reminisce of the younger boy's lips on his own from that night.

If only Ciel knew how beautiful he is... Sebastian thought.

Once the two were finished, Sebastian led Ciel back to his room.

Bittersweet SebastianxCielWhere stories live. Discover now