Chapter 3

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Sebastian stared down at the file in front of him.

In this file, is Ciel’s past. Sebastian thought.

Sebastian’s never been more so nervous, or excited, about reading something like this in his life.

 In most cases, he would be disinterested, who cares about what someone has or hasn’t gone through? But as Ciel was with everything, the young boy was simply special.

Sebastian slowly, hesitantly, opened the file, and started with the first paper on top. He briefly skimmed it over. It was nothing of importance really, just the basics: Ciel’s name, age, diagnosis.

He then started with the next paper. It was of the same value, nothing significant. Just a more detailed version of Ciel’s diagnosis. As Sebastian flipped and read over each and every paper, he realized that none of them were what he wanted. Even though, yes, he appreciated the reasons behind Ciel’s diagnosis, and the extent to the damage done to his eye, there wasn’t anything about Ciel’s past. Doctor Lee was right; they simply knew nothing about the “Phantomhive boy”.

With a huff, Sebastian stuffed the file back in the cabinet. How was he going to find out anythingabout the young boy? He certainly couldn’t just straight up ask him, that would result in nothing good he knew. He hoped that over time, Ciel would eventually tell him. But Ciel told nothing to his old doctor, so what made Sebastian any different?

Sebastian readjusted his clothes, and then exited his office. His schedule for today included therapy with a few of his patients… including Ciel. Over his time working at St.  John ‘s, he had only one therapy session with Ciel so far. It was quite standard, just the usual introductions. Yet for this session, Sebastian was supposed to delve a bit deeper… however well that will go.

“So Ciel” Sebastian began, “How are you feeling today?”

“Fine.” Ciel replied.

Sebastian noted Ciel’s answer on his clipboard. “Have you had any trouble sleeping?”

“No.” Ciel lied.

“No disturbances of any sort?”

Ciel shook his head.

Sebastian wrote down Ciel’s reply. This session was more awkward then he intended it to be, quite formal…

“Have you had any suicidal thoughts as of recent?”


“Anything that could cause worry?”


The conversation continued like this, Sebastian asked, Ciel answered with an either yes or no. During the whole 50 minute session, Sebastian got nothing of importance from the boy. That he was disappointed to say.

“Okay, Ciel. That wraps up our session for the day. I will be taking my leave now.”


Sebastian left the room with a sigh, he was hoping for more. And yet what he didn’t know, Ciel secretly was too.

Sebastian knocked on Ciel’s door, then entered his room with a “Just came to say goodnight Ciel. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

As he went to close the door behind him, he was interrupted by a soft “Wait.”

Sebastian peeked his head back through the door. He was surprised to see Ciel, knitting his hands through the bed’s fabric, face flushed a pretty pink.


“You didn’t finish the story…”

Sebastian simply smiled. He entered the room and sat down on the chair next to Ciel’s bed.

Bittersweet SebastianxCielWhere stories live. Discover now