Chapter 5

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Sebastian hadn't even known he would be getting a partner, until 3 days after the "midnight picnic" did a man clad in back appear at his office door.

"Hello?" Sebastian asked, addressing the man standing before him.

The man adjusted the glasses that rested on the bridge of his nose. "I am Claude Faustus. The new psychiatrist."

Sebastian examined the man, now Claude as he mentioned. He was tall like himself, had nearly the same hair, and golden eyes rimmed with black. His face was devoid of any emotion, and yet he could detect the slight hint of impatience in his voice.

"I already have that position filled." came Sebastian's curt reply.

"The Hospital Board of Medicine suggested me as your partner. Though no matter how much I don't want to be here either, I have to be." snapped Claude.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes, eye brows pinched in displeasure. "I don't have time to babysit"

"Dr. Michaelis." Claude scoffed "Will you go against the board for your own selfish reasons?" he teased.

Sebastian simply sneered in reply. "Don't be foolish. I just don't see why I have any need for a partner, I am managing perfectly fine on my own."

"Regardless. You have no choice, Dr.Michaelis. Otherwise... I may have to report you to the higher ups..."

Sebastian scowled. Though how much he hated having a new coworker, he hated the idea of getting reported even more. So with a sigh, Sebastian waved Claude into his office.

"Come in, come in." he huffed.

Claude stepped in with a satisfied grin. "I'm glad you are agreeing, Dr.Michaelis."

"Yes..." Sebastian grumbled. Sebastian then shuffled off to the far side of the room. He dug into his filing cabinet and pulled out the necessary papers for Claude's new position.

"These are for you." Sebastian stated, handing Claude the papers.

Claude accepted them with a polite "Thank you." He paused then finished "Will you show me around? And then to the patients I am assuming. I am planned to start tomorrow."

Sebastian gave a quick nod of his head and replied "Yes, we should leave now then. I still have a lot of paperwork to finish."

Claude followed Sebastian out the door, merely two steps behind him as he showed around the asylum.

Once Sebastian finished showing Claude the asylum's interior and exterior included, he introduced him to the patients.

It was the usual pleasantries; Sebastian would introduce Claude, Claude would reply with a sugary sweet smile. Yet the patients didn't seem to care too much. They would wave, or give a nod of their head, or even some, not say anything at all. That is, until they arrived at the Phantomhive's door.

Sebastian stepped up to the door he dreaded most: Ciel's. For some reason, he felt as if though he claimed Ciel. He didn't want anyone else to even so much as look at the "Phantomhive boy." A silly notion, yes. But Sebastian couldn't control it.

Sebastian cautiously opened Ciel's door. He stepped inside only to be greeted by a "Sebastian."

Ciel was lying on his still made bed, listening to one of his audio books. When Sebastian heard his name, he flinched.

Claude raised his eyebrows "You are on a first name basis with a patient?"

When Ciel heard the foreign, yet somehow familiar voice, he shuddered. He positioned himself in the far corner of his bed, bringing his knees to his chest. "W-Who's there?"

Bittersweet SebastianxCielWhere stories live. Discover now