Chapter 10

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Ciel woke up in a cold sweat, tightly gripping his bed sheets with terror.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!!" Ciel screamed, his voice brittle and raw as violent tremors racked his entire body.

Not even five minutes later, two nurses rushed into the room, bolting to Ciel's bedside in haste, trying to pacify his fears.

Ciel writhed on his bed, sobbing dry tears as he screamed out words incomprehensible. One of the nurses grabbed Ciel's wrists and pinned him to the bed, trying to keep his body still. Ciel struggled against her grip, thrashing wildly as his nightmare heightened.

"Wake up Ciel" the other nurse cooed, her voice delicate with fear as she watched Ciel scream and writhe in agony beneath her.

"MOTHER NO!!" Ciel sobbed. His chest heaved violently as his breathing became panicky and shallow.

She shook with fear at Ciel's outburst, meekly backing away from his bedside.

The other nurse immediately recognized her partner's absence, and called over to her "We need to calm him down."

The nurse hesitated, unrelenting to speak a word. "But how?" She replied nervously. "He is having a nightmare it seems..." the nurse paused and stole a glance at Ciel's writhing body. "And he's not waking up!" she cried, getting more frantic by the second. This was the newest nurse among the staff, Beast. She was not yet used to the daily nightmares and episodes of the patients present at St.John's (unlike the nurses who already knew the horrors of the asylum).

The nurse holding down Ciel turned to look at Beast, her eyes stern and solid, "Come over here and help me wake up this patient." Beast stood motionless, her scarlet eyes lidded with fear.

"Nurse Beast!", the nurse demanded.

Beast trembled at the demand, and anxiously approached Ciel's bedside, hands trembling as she looked down at the poor blind bluenette. The other nurse sighed with contempt, "I will hold him down, and I want you to calm him down. "

Beast looked up with watery, doe-like eyes "B-but how?" she breathed.

"That's completely up to you." The other nurse replied over Ciel's sobs and screams.

Beast looked down at Ciel, who was thrashing on the bed, screaming until his voice was nothing but a raw whisper. Concern coursed through her as she examined the delicate boy.

What must he have gone through to make him react like this? She thought I can only imagine...

Beast's thoughts danced wildly as she frantically searched for a way to soothe the boy.

I can't possibly hold him down! Nurse Elizabeth is already doing that and she has her hands full already... She thought.

Can I slap him? Am I even allowed to do that? Beast thought for a moment then shook her head. No no that's cruel and would probably end up scaring him more.

Beast stood quiet, shooing off every thought as quick as they came.

Maybe I can just talk sweetly to him...

Beast drew nearer to Ciel, cautiously and quietly. She looked over at Nurse Elizabeth. "His name?" she asked

"Ciel." The nurse replied "Ciel Phantomhive."

Beast nodded her head, then began slowly, "Ciel..." she whispered kindly. Ciel responded with shallow, panicky pants. "It's okay Ciel. You are okay." She continued

Ciel screamed roughly in response, his back arching with agony. Beast gasped briefly, yet quickly regained her composure.

"Mother where are you?! Please mother!!" Ciel begged. Beast remained very quiet and still, listening intently to Ciel's words. His voice became sad and quiet "Please mother... I'm so alone..." Beast winced at his words. This poor boy...

Suddenly, Beast's eyes lit up with momentary excitement as she thought over Ciel's pleas.

Beast hesitated, her insecurities getting the best of her. Yet as she looked at the little boy screaming in sheer agony beside her, she knew something must be done.

"Ciel, Ciel it's okay." She paused "It's me. It's your mother. I am okay."

Nurse Elizabeth immediately flashed her eyes over to Beast, stunned by her words.

Ciel breathed heavily, staying quiet and still. Beast and Elizabeth cautiously watched his every move, their bodies tense as they waited for a response.

"M-Mother?" he asked in a broken whisper.

Elizabeth's eyes grew big with awe, amazed by Beast's audacity.

Beast sighed happily as her shoulders relaxed. "Yes..." she breathed. "It's your mother."

"Where are you?" Ciel asked desperately, remaining unconscious.

"I am with you Ciel." Beast reached out for Ciel's hand and tenderly held it in hers. "Do you feel my hand?" she cooed.

"Y-yes." Ciel choked out in between gentle sobs.

"I won't ever leave you Ciel." Beast paused and softly squeezed Ciel's hand. "I will always be with you."

"But the fire..." Ciel began timidly.

Beast shook her head. "That doesn't change anything Ciel. Don't you see? No matter what happens, I am with you."

Ciel's breathing began to relax to a steady rhythm, his nightmare quickly fleeting.

"Okay..." he said, his voice barely a whisper. "You promise?" he asked, his voice tender, laced with a childlike innocence.

Beast smiled through a veil of glossy tears. "Promise."

Ciel breathed out a gentle sigh, the words "Okay" drowned out by the slumber that enveloped him. His breathing became smooth and steady and his body stirred lightly until relaxing into a motionless sleep.

Beast and Elizabeth went motionless too, remaining still and quiet at his bedside, assuring that the nightmare truly disappeared.

Once they were confident that Ciel was sound asleep, they quietly exited the room, locking the door behind them with a soft click.

As soon as they were in the hall, Elizabeth spoke up saying "That was truly amazing Nurse Beast. I knew your intuition would be a good fit here." Her voice was genuine and almost friendly in tone.

"Oh it was nothing..." Beast replied, her cheeks flushed.

Elizabeth scoffed warmly. "Whatever you say" she toyed.

Beast looked down at her feet and smiled shyly. "Thank you Elizabeth"

Elizabeth simply nodded her head, and replied with a syrupy sweet smile. "Let us go back to our rooms. I think we've had enough for one night."

"I think so too." Beast agreed, shuddering as she reminisced over the boy's agony.

As they were walking back to their rooms, Beast stole a glance back at Ciel's door.

I wonder what mysteries lay in the heart of the Phantomhive boy...

Once the pair left, the corridor went back to its usual gentle silence, disturbed every now and again by some such individual. Yet prowling in the darkness, brooding with a rage only known to the worst of demons, lurked a pair of glittering golden eyes...

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