Chapter 2

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What do I feel? Ciel thought when Sebastian left the room.

That simple, innocent, caress had stirred something deep inside the 18 year old. Yet he was far too naive to place it...

Ciel admitted Dr.Michaelis' attraction. Even his voice alone was charming... a smooth baritone, rich in tone and seductive in theory. Unlike Doctor Lee's voice, that was coarse and husky in all the wrong ways. Then there were the light touches, the closure of space when he had changed his bandages...He could still feel Dr. Michaelis' warmth on his skin, and the tingling sensation left on his cheek.

The more Ciel thought about it, the more it overwhelmed him. He wasn't mentally prepared for such a feeling, and it truly scared him.

So he opted to play one of his audio books as a distraction. He reached over to his nightstand, and ran his hands over the tapes. Reading the Braille titles, Ciel settled for Hamlet again. It was his favorite, and he had read it nearly a dozen times.

When he had slipped in the ear buds, he pressed play, and drowned in the tragedy being read to him...

The next morning, Sebastian came just as he said he would.

"Ciel? It's me, Dr. Michaelis." Sebastian stated as he stepped in.

"I know." Ciel replied dryly, sitting up on his bed. He rubbed the tender spot on his neck that became sore from tossing in his sleep.

Sebastian stepped closer to Ciel, and pulled up a chair next to his bed. Ciel, unlike the other patients, has the special OK to go (and not go) where he wants, during meals and otherwise.

Sebastian handed Ciel a plate of breakfast.

"A cinnamon roll. Your favorite right?" Sebastian asked gently. Sebastian didn't know exactly why, but he wanted for Ciel to like him as much as possible. He even went to the lengths of asking the other nurses and staff what Ciel's favorite foods were. But despite knowing those things, he still hadn't taken a look at Ciel's file. He made a mental note to do that later.

Ciel nodded his head feebly and brought the cinnamon roll to his lips. He inwardly sighed at the flavor.

"Is it good?"

Ciel nodded his head then replied with a mouthful of bread "Mhm."

Sebastian just watched as Ciel quickly gobbled down the sweet treat. Ciel's face was dusted lightly with cinnamon and he watched as Ciel accidentally got a bit of the icing on his nose.

"Cute." Sebastian muttered.

"Hm?" Ciel asked.

Despite himself, Sebastian face turned red in embarrassment, and at that moment, was thankful Ciel was blind.

"O-Oh? Nothing, nothing. I just said that you have a bit of icing on your nose."

Ciel would've thought more about Sebastian's suspicious answer, if it weren't for the sudden feeling of Sebastian finger on his nose.

Ciel crinkled his nose at the touch and listened to the sounds of lips smacking, following with a contented sigh.

"It is good." Sebastian confirmed, licking the reminisce of cinnamon and sugar from his finger.

Ciel cheeks turned a pretty pink when he realized what Sebastian had done and he covered his face with his hands, trying, in vain, to cover his blush.

A smirk played on Sebastian's lips.

An interesting one he is... He thought.

Sebastian then remembered the medication Ciel required to take and reached in to his pocket.

Bittersweet SebastianxCielWhere stories live. Discover now