*Violet's P.O.V*
I hear loud noises coming from upstairs. I look over at Dave and he look like a deer in headlights I guess he must've noticed me looking at him cause he explained that the noise was his roomates. I see one of 3 coming down the stairs. He was only a little taller than Dave, he has stunning blue eyes, dark brown hair and, a familiar face. He introduced himself as Zac Efron. (I'm trying not to freak out at this point and trying not to fangirl and cry) Next, down the steps was a boy the same height as Zac, same hair color but, this one had dark eyes. He fell down the stairs and I tried not to laugh (I'm a horrible person don't judge) "are you okay?" I asked. He said "yeah" and said his name was "Chris Mintz-Plasse and that he was Dave's lover" I was really confused Dave said "he wasn't" but, Chris told me that he would tell later and winked. Last one on the stairs was a boy scratch that he was a man. His hair was dark like the others but, it was kinda curly, again dark eyes, he was taller than the rest and, he looked just like Dave. He came down and said that he was James and that he was Dave's oldest brother. "Awe they live together that's so cute" I thought as Zac cleared his throat interuppting me. I realized that I totally forgot to tell my name. "I'm Violet" I say shyly and little embaressed. They all ask me "if I had a place to stay?" I responded with "yeah but, I don't know how to get there from here" I took out my phone and googled it and found out that it 50 miles from Dave's place to mine. The boys all agreed that I should stay for a couple of nights. I agreed and each of them gave me a peice of clothing since mine were all soaked. Dave gave me a pair of sweatpants cause he was the closest to my height but, they were still gigantic, Chris let me pick out of drawer for one of his many band shirts I picked out a Green Day shirt cause they are one of my favorite bands. He compamented my choice then, James and Zac come in with blankets, food and, movies. After I saw the movies I realized a theme among all the movies. Each of the movies was starring one of them. The movies were 21 Jump Street (Dave) Charlie St. Cloud (Zac) This Is The End (James) Kick Ass (Chris). We all had food and cuddled to keep me warm. Dave, Zac and, James had fallen asleep so Chris said that I can share a room with cause Dave and James snore really loud and we want to be as far as possible. I laughed and asked him about him being Dave's lover he laughed and showed me 2 youtube videos starring him and Dave. They were really funny and so we talked forever about music, movies, food, TV shows and, anything else that made us get to know eachother. Until we got bored and decied to pull pranks on Zac, James and, Dave. We wrote on their faces in sharpie. "I could tell that Chris and I are becoming friends" I think as Chris puts away that sharpies and hides anything that could have a chance of removing it. As the night wore on I fell alseep as Chris just stared at the celing probably thinking about something deep.
* Chris' Thoughts *
The last thing that I expected to happen today was to meet Violet. Not like that was a bad thing. I hope we can become really good friends or maybe more No Chris it's obvious that Dave likes her. But, we just have so much in common we like all the same things and she's really pretty and smells nice Chris end this thought and go to sleep. I really tried to stop thinking about her but, the more i tried to stop the more reasons I thought of that made me like her. I eventually fell alseep.
* Violet's P.O.V *
The door opened and all I can see is black followed by one of the most fightening things ever. The sound of a Jack-In-The-Box. I heard evil serial killer laughing and saw something that I didn't want to.... It was Dave holding a bloody knife and guestering to the dead bodies of Zac, Chris and, James. He kept saying that I was next and the only other sound I heard was the Jack-In-The-Box sound. Dave was just about to decapitate me when I heard the guys (minus James) telling me to wake up. I shot up so quick that I started to get light headed once I sat up straight "why did you guys wake me up?" I asked. We heard you screaming and when we came in you were crying. "Ooh I guess it was just a nightmare then. Sorry for waking you guys up" I say embaressed. "No problem" they all said smiling. Everyone left except for Dave he stayed to comfort me and wanted to know if I wanted to talk about my nightmare. I said no thanks. (I just met the guy I didn't want him to think I was crazy) We both walked down the stairs to see James making breakfast. "That's what smelled so good!" I said getting a laugh out of the room. James had made french toast, (my fave) bacon and, eggs which were super yummy. I went to go see if my clothes were done dyring and they were so I got changed, thanked Dave and Chris for lending me their clothes and, we all went out to just hang and be weird. My feet started to hurt so I went home before the rest of the guys but, when I got there I saw a truely heartbeaking sight.
Ooh cliffhanger.....
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FanfictionMeet violet, a girl who is having the worst day of her life. But, she meets a boy who tries to change her life around. Or will her troubled past come back to haunt her?