*Dave's P.O.V*
When Violet arrived home I saw her with makeup and tears running down her face so naturally I wanted to know what happened. She told me everything and by everything I mean everything like from when she woke up to just now and for some reason this Charlie kid made me feel weird. I've decided to let it settle in first before I flip out cause I don't really know him. I sat there with Violet's head in my shoulders mindlessly watching tv. Then, I started thinking about it more like sure she said that she was with someone but, she had come home crying about it. Does she really have feelings for Charlie and she said no to him for my sake? Does she not love me but is just with me so I don't get hurt? I need to tell her about what I'm thinking.
*A couple days later*
I need to tell Violet about my feelings but I'm scared this is gonna turn into a fight. We've never had our first fight before. Here I go.... "Violet I need to talk to you about something" "About..?" "Charlie" and that's when the fighting started....... I'll spare you the details since it was mostly me shouting things like "I feel like you don't love me" and Violet was shouting things like "I said no what don't you understand about that." I could tell that the guys really didn't want to be in the house but since we were fighting in the main room they couldn't leave without us having them pick sides. I was currently looking down at the floor then over at the clock 7:00 we've been fighting for an hour. When I took a look back by the couch Violet had left. I was worried and knowing that I couldn't go out and find her only made it worse.
*Violet's P.O.V*
We just had our first fight. When all the screaming was done I had started to cry luckily Dave was off staring into space like he usually does and I took that as my opportunity to get the fuck out of there. I started to go for a walk then about a minute later realizing that I have no place to go. All of my friends were in the house that I just left. I tried thinking really hard about where I should go. Then I remembered "be here whenever you need me to fix you and, always be here for you don't ever forget that." I took out my phone and called Charlie he heard me crying and just said park 5 minutes and hung up. As I started to head towards the park I thought about me and Dave we've only been together for about 3 and a half months and thinking that this could lead to a breakup made it all the more real. As I made my way towards the park, over in the distance by a tree I see Charlie and run over and bury my head in his shoulder. "Just like old times eh?" he says trying to lighten the mood. "Not right now" replying in a soft voice, as I lift my head I see a basket "what's in the basket?" "Your favorites..." Charlie reaches into the basket and pulls out a shit ton of McDonalds, some Capri Suns, Oreos, and Tim Tams which brought back some memories.....
We had just come back from Christmas break and I was really excited to see Charlie. Mainly because he had gone back to Australia to see his folks and also because he promised to bring me back CANDY!!! I really love candy okay don't judge me. I found him after school and we decide to go back to his house and just chill. We arrived and walked up stairs to get into his room and he starts opening up his suitcase "Shit I forgot to bring back sweets" he says faking a sad face "You know I love my candy Charlie don't even play me like that I will put you on the next flight to Australia to get me candy." "Damn well aren't we a violent one?" the sass in voice is clearly there. He goes back to his suitcase and pulls out a backpack and pulls out a box of Tim Tams. He opens it and hands me one "This looks like a Kit-Kat fucked a Smore." With Charlie cracking up I shove it into my mouth and its really good (A/N: never had one but they look good and if my description isn't good enough then google it) We spent the rest of the day eating and goofing around. From that day forward whenever he would go home he'd always bring me Tim Tams.
*Flashback Over*
I put my head on his chest and took the basket and just started crying and eating and somehow not choking. After, I told Charlie about the fight Dave and I had and also about the thoughts I had on the way over here. He listened and gave me advice.
*Charlie's P.O.V*
When I got a call from Violet and had a feeling about what she could have calling about. I answered the phone and all I heard were sobs. Since I couldn't tell what she was crying about I had just told her to meet me in the park where I confessed my love to her a couple days ago. I knew that food was gonna make her feel better no matter what she crying about. I found a basket from god knows where and looked in my cabinet to find Oreos and Tim Tams then, opened up the fridge to grab some Capri Suns cause they are the bomb. I proceeded to walk out the door, grab my skateboard, and stop by McDonalds and order some nuggets and fries. As I rode into the park I had to make sure Violet hadn't shown up already. I waited there for a couple minutes, she came and stuffed a face into my shoulder and to make matters worse there was one of those really cute couples that are like so in love. It's literally like I'm watching The NoteBook ugh barf. My older sister sister used to make me watch it and she would freak about any kind of bullshit Ryan Gosling was doing for Rachel McAdams. Please "If I'm a bird, your a bird" who has time for that. Luckily those people left before Violet lifted her head off my chest. She asked me about the basket and as I pulled out more food her head ended up on my chest somehow she manages to eat, cry, and somehow not die all at the same time. "I hate that she's dating this Dave guy who made her cry. He obviously doesn't know how lucky he is to have Violet. I hated that in high school I never got the chance to make her mine. It wasn't that she was dating anybody it was all because of me and what I was dealing with. I was I could have her but, I guess some dreams have to die." I realized that Violet needed some advice so I decided to dig deep within my soul to give the most mind blowing advice I could give. "Violet most people think that love is something that can be easily obtained but, it's not. Love is something that many hope for but, only few people find. Love is a force that will make you feel miserable, it will kick the shit out of you, and it may even make you question yourself. The people who look for love usually aren't ready for the mind games it plays, they aren't ready to have their hearts broken ,or they aren't ready to break someone else's. In the end once love is found it is well worth the journey, well worth all the pain, and worth the envy that you once felt is now bestowed upon someone else. True love is eternal it's celebrated by a celebration, it's symbolized by two metal rings, and it's a bond. A bond that lasts even when those two people are no longer standing." Violet look if Dave is the one then go after him stick through the pain, it will get better. All she did was nod and that would be the last time I saw her and the last time she would ever come to me for help. Little did I know that deep inside I was the one that truly needed help.
Well that was deep.... That gave me chills even while I was writing this...... Thank the lord for 5 in the morning philosophical deepness
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FanfictionMeet violet, a girl who is having the worst day of her life. But, she meets a boy who tries to change her life around. Or will her troubled past come back to haunt her?