chapter 5:

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  The sound of yelling and the smell of smoke wakes me up in the morning. I get up and wipe off my makeup that had smeared from tears after last night's crying session.

  I tie my hair into a messy bun and walk downstairs. The smokey smell gets stronger and I see Amanda and Oli screaming at eachother.

  "oi! guys could you shut up?" I ask, trying to figure out where the scent is coming from. I peer around the corner to the kitchen and see bright, hot, orange flames rising off the stove. "uh.. guys? "

  I start to back away from the fire and still here the two idiots arguing. I sigh and grab both Oli and Amanda by the hair. They start to shout at me as I drag them out of the house. I run back inside to put the fire out.

  I look behind me as I grab a fire extinguisher to see Oli come back inside. I put out the fire and turn around to have the happy couple staring at me in silence.

  "Alright fuckers." I start, setting the heavy extinguisher down, "how about you learn to not fight all the time when there's a fuckin' fire in the room across from you!! Did you not smell the smoke? "

  "I did but I thought you were just getting baked up in your room, little druggie." Amanda giggles.

  "You wanna fuckin go mate?" I say as I crack my neck.

  "Bring it wuss." She laughs again. I go to take her hair and bash her face into the wall, but Oli holds me back. Just as she goes to get me, Lee walks in and sees what's going on.

  "A little help mate?!" Oli shouts and just before Amanda hits me Lee grabs her and pulls her away.

  We both struggle to get out of the guys' grip. The rest of the band walks in and watches.

  Once I finally get myself out of Oli's arms, I try to go for Amanda but the rest of the guys have to hold me back with Oli.

  Finally after 20 minutes of struggling and screaming,  Amanda and I both relax.

  "Is blondie over there good?" Lee asks the guys.  They nod and let go of me. Lee let's go of Oli's girlfriend and I shoot her a death glare.

  "Oli she could have killed me!!" Amanda starts to fake cry and hugs him tightly. Oli glares at me and I bite my lip. The little bitch is trying to blame this on me!

  "There she goes playing the victim card again.." I hear Matt whisper to Jordan. I walk over to the 4 and sigh.

  "So you don't like her either?" I ask. They shake their heads.

  "Bitchiest girl ever." Matt K says. The guys agree.

  "So what's your name and what're you doing with Oli and Ms.Bitch?" Lee asks me.

  "My names Jordan.  I'm Amanda's cover up. Basically I get all the hate for being Oli's girlfriend when I'm not and Amanda, when not in public, gets to be all lovey with Oli." I explain.

  "So you're like a professional cover up? That's your legit job?" Jordan asks, Not able to believe it.

  "Yupp basically." I smile.

  "So do you like like Oli?" He asks.

  "Kinda.." I admit.

  "Well then damn girl why don't you break those two up and date him yourself?" Matt asks me.

  "Because.. It's just my job."

  And with that last sentence, we watch Oli and Amanda shoot me death glares. Isn't life beautiful?

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