Chapter 10:

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Oli's P.O.V:

  "Don't be such a wanker, love! " I say with a laugh and playfully shove Alice. She had just scolded me for ordering a second round of desert for all of us, even though she barely touched her first round.

  "Oli I will not eat this!" She complains as the waiter puts down the glasses of chocolate chip cookie dough shakes.

  "Please!" I beg. She shakes her head. That's when I remember her eating disorder.

"Come with me."

  We get up and walk outside. I place my hand on her cheek.

  "I know it's hard eating with a disorder and pretending to be happy when your first resort is self destruction, but I need you to try and do this for me and the guys. Okay Alice? I really do love you.." I pause and quickly realize that I can't have feelings for my cover up, "..a-as a friend of course. So just drink or eat or whatever this one shake, yeah."

  Her pale grey eyes stare into my rich brown ones. It honestly felt like she was staring into my soul. It creeped me out, none the less.

  "Yeah.. fine okay but only for you Oli." She says. I smile.

  "Thanks love." I say. When I call her love, I could have sworn I saw her eyes light up but I couldn't be sure. After all, I doubt she develops feelings for her clients.

  It's just her job, after all.

  We walk back inside the restaurant and sit down. I place my hand on her leg and lightly squeeze it as she takes her first bite of the cookie dough shake.

  All of a sudden tons of people come up with cameras and start snapping photos of Alice and I, completely ignoring the rest of the band.

  Alice has to shield her eyes from the light of the cameras and I pull her into a hug so she's facing away from the flashes.

  I shoot glares go each of the paps as I hug her tightly.

  "I'm sorry Jordan I know this sucks." I say loudly so that the paps hear her name and also so they know to back off

  After a few more photos they leave and I let go of her.

  "Okay?" I ask her. She nods.

  She ended up drinking have of her shake and then refused to have any more. I could hear her stomach rumble on the car ride home and sighed.

  "What's wrong Oli?" She asks. I just shake my head.

"Oli tell me." She says stubbornly.

  "No." I say. She grabs me arm.

  "Oli fucking tell me." She says. I pull into the drive way and look at her.

  "You want to know what's wrong? You're fucking starving yourself, Alice! You refuse to eat and it makes me sad and mad that you see yourself as a fat ass! You're not!" I stop shouting and get out of the car. I open her door and basically drag her into the house.

  "Oli what the hell?" She asks. I ignore her and pull her into the bathroom. I make her take her shoes off and tell her to stand on the weighing scale.

"Oli I don't want to know how much I weigh. You're a skinny bastard, so I'll weigh tons more and I don't want to see that!"

  "I weigh 200-something pounds, weigh yourself." I say sternly. She sighs and steps on the scale, but refuses to look down.





  "Goddammit Alice look!" She looks down and gasps.

"96 fucking pounds Alice! Now come here."

  I bring her over to the mirror and unzip her dress.

  "Oli what're you doing?"

  "Trust me." I let the dress slide down to her ankles and we both look at her in the mirror in nothing but her knickers.

  "Oli.." I wrap my arms around her waist and tell her to look.

  "My hands touch past my elbows on both sides. They can't even do that with Amanda. Your waist is deathly small. Each and every one of your ribs show. I can count your vertebrae. Please, dear, eat."

  "I never realized this.. I.. I'm sorry." She stutters our. I look at her stomach and trace the self harm scars on it.

  "I love you, Alice."

  "I know, Oli. We're really good friends."

  "No, I mean I'm in love with you."

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