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The days went by in a blur.. Ashanna had been in hiding for a month now. Or at least that was her guess. And she felt she was slowly losing her mind.

"Lord Varys!" Ashanna snapped as she stepped into his dining room. The master of whispers didn't look up from his food.

"You swore to take me to see my father. It's been a month since his imprisonment." She seethed.

"Fine. I shall take you." He sighed as he got to his feet.

A piercing whistle rang in her eyes, it was so painful that Ashanna held onto the dining table to keep her balance.
The noise stopped when she felt claws latch onto her shoulder. Ashanna looked up to find her white raven, Hail. Nipped at her ear with affection. Ashanna took to the too scrolls of paper that were tied to her raven's legs. Replies from Robb and Jon.

She opened Robb's first.

We're relived that you have your health. Is Arya with you? And Sansa can you get to her?
If not get out of kings landing.
Get out and make your way towards Winterfell.
We're marching south with Father's banner-men as we speak.

I write to you, sweet sister from our first campsite. The location I cannot give you for fear Hail doesn't carries this to you.
So far.. I believe you. The white raven appeared a few hours after the whistle was blown.

Stay safe.
Love Robb.

She then opened Jon's.

You were right about Hail. She's here with me as I write to you.
You need to leave king landing.. Now.
Take Arya and Sansa if you can and get out.

I'd be coming for you right now with Robb if it wasn't for the oath. I miss you my sister.
Love Jon.

Ashanna folded the pieces of paper and hid them in her small clothes.

The white raven released her and left the way she came.

Lord Varys said nothing as he moved to a bare wall. He pushed it and it sung open like a door.
It led down a narrow dark passage that was lit with torches. Ashanna followed him down. She needed to see her father to make sure he was ok.

"Father." Ashanna croaked as she squinted into his cell. Her father moved his head to see her. His hair was mused and he was in the clothes he was taken in. He looked well enough, thank the gods.

"Ashanna?" He whispered his voice was barely audible as if he was afraid he was dreaming this encounter.

Ashanna knelt beside him.

"It's me." She said quietly. Tears streamed down her face as she took her father's hand.
He hugged her comforting her as she sobbed.

"You must get away from here. Get somewhere safe. Where are your sisters?" Her father asked.

"I don't know where Arya is.. Winter couldn't find her. And Sansa has been taken as Cerci's ward." Ashanna choked.

"... You can't stay here, Ashanna. Promise me you'll leave today. And if you can reach your sisters take them with you." Her father said before a haggard cough rattled his lungs.

"I promise." Ashanna whispered solemnly. He hugged her again as she continued to sob.

"My sweet girl, I love you.. Now get on and get out of this horrid place." Her father said lovingly.

"I love you too, father." Ashanna said giving her father one last hug before getting up to follow Lord Varys. As she walked after the master of whispers she glanced once more at her father who was still watching her with a sad smile on his face.

To celebrate my birthday (yesterday) I'm gonna try to update all my books. Also 13 reasons why fans I have a fan fiction heading your way.  Stay tuned.


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