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Princesspeach: once upon a time

Princesspeach: there was a princess

Princesspeach: it lived in a beautiful catsle surrounded by even more beautiful garden

Princesspeach: but the most beautiful thing in the kingdom was the princess herself

Princesspeach: everyone loved her

Princesspeach: starting from the king, her father, to the shepherd that was a complete stranger to her

Princesspeach: one day princess was going on about her day when suddenly her eyes met something that would change her life forever

Princesspeach: it was a prince

Princesspeach: at first she didn't know that he was of a royal blood since she has only seen his eyes

Princesspeach: but as soon as he walked out into the sunlight, a crown on his head popped with vivid colors shining from diamonds in the headpiece

Princesspeach: her heart fell for him that very second

Princesspeach: he hadn't seen her yet, but she knew, she knew very well that that, that was her person

Princesspeach: but the prince didn't care

Princesspeach: but the prince didn't fall for her

Princesspeach: but the prince didn't love her

Princesspeach: he didn't have eyes just for her

Princesspeach: in fact he wasn't even looking her direction

Princesspeach: and the princess felt crushed therefore

Princesspeach: she became empty, lonely and broken

Princesspeach: her life was never the same

Princesspeach: oh so sorry, didn't even notice when it became a representation of reality rather than a fairytale

Princesspeach: and now you know how real world is

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