Costume Mayhem

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"Okay guys, I'll give you time to unpack and get settled and in half and hour I'll take you to get your costumes fitted," said Peter.

"Thanks Pete," Billy and I said.

"Aw man, this isn't fair, two double beds with four people, it's just not natural," said Dom pouting.

I laughed slightly. "It's alright guys, it's not so bad," I said.

"Let's play rock paper scissors," suggested Billy.

We all agreed. In the end it turned out that Billy and Elijah would share and Dom and I would share.

"Yesss, I don't have to share with a boy!" said Dom.

Billy and Elijah sighed and we began unpacking our things.

I decided to check out the bathroom. It was very nice. There was tiled floors and a shower and a small basin and a couple other things.

"Let's go and help out Sean," I suggested smiling.

So we hopped out the caravan and walked straight across to Sean's. He opened the door in front of us.

He politely let us in. Dom was right. Sean's was much prettier than ours.

Then we heard Peter knocking on the door.

"Password?" said Dom close to the door.

"Come on guys, it's been half and hour, open up," said Peter.

Sean gave Dom a silly look and opened up the door.

We popped out and Peter took us to the makeup trailer.

There were five ladies staying there.

"Millie is mine," said a young lady grabbing my shoulder. "Hi, I'm Miranda."

"Hi Miranda, nice to meet you, I'm Natalia."

The boys got their stylists and we stood in front of our mirrors. The trailer was very white with a lot of lights.

Then Miranda got out a measuring tape.

They boys were also being measured.

"I'm not fat, am I?" asked Billy to his stylist Chloe.

She smiled. "No, your just fine."

Then after we got measured we just got to sit in our big soft makeup chairs while the artists drew.

"Hey guys, check ou-" said Dom

"Shhh," said his stylist. "We need to concentrate.

Dom raised his eyebrows and sighed.

Billy was spinning around in his chair.

"Okay, what do you think?" said Miranda handing me a notebook with her clothing designs.

The first one was gorgeous. It was Millie's dress at Bilbo and Frodo's birthday. Millie wasn't in that scene much but it was still gorgeous. It was a greenish brownish colour with lovely patterns. The second one was even prettier. It was my main dress which I wore through the journey and it was a blend between light blue and dark blue. Then there's a scene in The Return of the King when I get my clothes ruined by accident and have to wear pants with cross straps and a white shirt just like the boys. Then I have a scene when I go to battle when I'm not supposed to and that was my armour, and the scene when I come back on my pony with the others and then the scene at Sam and Rosie's wedding when Merry and Millie get together.

"They're absolutely stunning, thank you so much," I said still staring at them.

"Thanks, I'm glad you like it," she replied. 

As I looked up I saw the others looking at their designs.

"Oh and your wig will be long brown curly hair and the sides will be pulled back," said Miranda who faced my chair in the mirror and pulled back my light brown hair to show me. "So just like that but curly and a darker brown."

"Thanks so much," I replied.

"Oh, and Millie has blue eyes just like yours so you don't have to wear contacts or anything, just to let you know."

"Thanks a lot Miranda, this is so exciting."

Then we went to leave the trailer and it was around five o'clock. I couldn't believe how time had escaped so quickly. We then saw two cars pull up.

"Oh my, is this the other cast members?" asked Elijah.

"Yeah, I think so," replied Sean.

We ran over and all these other people stepped out.

Everyone was saying "hi" and hugging and then Peter walked up.

"Welcome guys," said Peter.

He introduced us all. As far as I could remember their names where, Viggo as Aragorn, Orlando as Legolas, Ian and Gandalf, John as Gimli and Sean Bean as Boromir. Peter was saying that there will be other cast members coming in shortly and other characters will be staying the whole time such as the fellowship except for Sean Bean.

I was still the only girl but that was totally cool. We all chatted for a while and then John suggested that we go out to a pub in Wellington for dinner. We all agreed and went to ready.

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