Our Day in Wellington ft. A Mad Driver

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"Come on guys," said Elijah who was ready and dressed.

It was our day off today so we we're going to go shopping and looking around in Wellington.

"Yeah, let's go," I said doing a fist pound.

"Come on, out the door, out the door," said Sean with the keys in his hands. It was just us who got the day off because the others arrived later yesterday.

"I call the front seat," said Dom running toward the car.

"Oh no you don't," said Billy racing also.

"Ha," said Dom sitting in the seat but Billy still hadn't given up. They where now both in the front seat fighting. Elijah, Sean and I just started laughing. In the end Dom ended up getting it.

Our hire cars are lovely. They where just small little silver Corolla's with five seats. I sat in the middle and Billy and Elijah sat on either end. We talked the whole way there. Dom especially.

"Have you guys heard of the game sweet and sour?" asked Dom stretched around to face the back seat.

"Na," replied Billy. "How do you play?"

"Well, all you do is wave at drivers and if they wave back they're sweet and if not they're sour, but they're only sour if they see you waving."

"That sounds like fun." replied Billy.

"No guys," replied Sean. "You're all 17, please show some maturity."

"NEVER!" replied all of us at once apart from Sean.

I noticed a smile came from Sean in the review mirror.

"Okay, suit yourselves," he replied.

So Billy, Elijah and I turned around to face the back and Dom tried as much as he could.

We began waving at the car behind us. They waved back and smiled.

"Sweet," we all said at once.

Then after a while a truck was behind us. We waved but he wasn't so nice. The man in the truck just stared at us grumpily and beeped his horn and made a shooing impression with his hands.

"Awww, come one!" said Dom shaking his fist at him.

He beeped his horn again.

"Oh, that's nice," said Billy.

We all began shaking our fists at him.

"Sean, can you please beep the horn?" asked Dom.

"No, Dom, I'm not beeping the horn because some angry guy suddenly beeped you."

"Aww, come one, pleeease!" asked Dom.

But before Sean knew it Dom reached over and beeped it for him. The beep was so incredibly loud people in other cars began staring.

"Dom, get off," said Sean pushing him back.

The look on the drivers face did not look good.

We where coming to an intersection and there was a small pause in traffic. Sean slowed down and the big truck stopped right behind us.

"Oh my gosh, don't come over, don't come over," said Elijah.

All of us now turned back not making eye contact.

We heard a massive slam of a car door.

I quickly looked back.

"Oh my gosh, guys, he's much bigger than we thought..." I said lowering down into the seat.

Billy looked back too.

"Oh my, he's bigger than everyone I know combined," said Billy.

Elijah then turned back.

"Oh my gosh, he's coming this way!" said Elijah high pitched.

"If we don't make it out of this, I just want you all to know how lovely it was to meet you," said Dom.

He was just right up behind us when traffic started moving again.

We all began laughing. Dom even stuck his head out of the window and shouted, "So long, sucker!"

Then we heard horns beeping because he was holding up traffic.

"Good one Dom, he'll regret that now," said Billy through laughs.

"Yeah, especially when we're rich and famous," said Dom.

"What happened out there?" asked Elijah.

"Well um, I pocked my tongue out at him and he gave me a gesture which I wish not to speak of... and I may have returned it, it's not something I'm proud of." 

"Okay guys, have we now established not the play that game again?" asked Sean.

"Yeah," replied Dom.

We arrived in Wellington. It was beautiful. The sun was out, it was very busy. Sean found a nice car park in the street and we got out and walked around.

"Let's get some breakfast," suggested Sean.

"Ooh, yes please," I said.

So we walked around looking for a nice place to have breakfast.

"What about McDonalds?" suggested Elijah pointing to one.

"Yeah, alright," agreed Sean sighing.

"I've never been to one of those before," said Billy nodding his head.

"Me either," I replied smiling.

"What!?" said Sean, Elijah and Dom at once.

"You guys never been to a McDonalds before?" asked Elijah.

"Okay, well, we're going now!" said Dom.

Once we arrived we ordered hot cakes and a drink.

Sean brought them over.

"Thanks Sean," we all said as he passed them to us on our trays.

So I put the syrup and the butter on and had one taste.

It was AMAZING! Like nothing I'd ever tasted before.

"This is delicious," I said allowed.

"I know right?" said Dom.

Billy couldn't believe it either. Once we finished we went back to walk on the street.

All Billy and I could talk about was the McDonalds.

The others where getting tired of it.

"Yes, guys, welcome to McDonalds," said Dom.

We decided to look through a nice looking clothes shop.

Dom tried on a beret.

"You look great Dom," I said smiling.

So we spent the rest of the day looking at shops.

They only thing I brought was a nice light blue dress and shoes to match and a T-shirt and the others got other really cool things.

Before we knew it, it was four o'clock. So we went back to the car.

"I wonder what happened to that guy?" asked Billy.

"Yeah, he's probably upset in defeat," said Dom.

"Yeah, cause we won," I said laughing.

We pulled up into the driveway and got out the car.

Sadly Sean went back to his own cabin and we went to ours.

"I can't believe we have to get up at 4:30 in the morning," said Elijah grumbling. 

"Yeah, no fair," said Billy in agreement.

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