Chapter Twenty

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i went to sleep that night, thinking about Mia and getting so excited. Eventually, I got myself so excited, that I refused to go to sleep. I woke up at around 3 am,grabbed my phone and  wondered into the kitchen. i then poured myself a bowl of cereal. I probably looked like a walrus that just woke up, yeah thats how lazy I am.

I sat down at the coutch and started to think. Mia and are going to have so much fun, or at least I will.I remember the last time I went over to a girl's house. Damn it was a long time ago. I was over at Saige's house for her birthday party. She had invited me and her cousins. I remember her little cousin, Trenton, would always follow me. I'm pretty sure he was five and Saige and I were 14. He loved me, he sat on my lap while we ate at the table. By now hes probably 13, and wouldn't remember me. I shift around on the couch and find myself slowly falling back into sleep...

"Oh my gosh Ellie?  What are you doing out here?" I hear someone say, shaking me awake. "Dan why'd you wake mee up?" I respond as I look up at Dan with his funny hobbit hair. "You're in my spot." he laughed. "Oh fuck off." I giggle and get up.  Suddenly, milk, cereal, a bowl, and spoon spill all over me. Opps, I forgot that I fell aslepp while eatting cereal... 

"Owwwww fucking hell." I mumble and walk to my room. "Fine! I'll clean it up." Dan says before I walk out of sight. "Well saying that most of it's on me, there won't be much to clean." I laugh and head back to the kitchen. I grab him a towel and me one too. We get on our hands and knees and clean this mess up together.

After cleaning, I hop to my room and into my shower. It takes me a full 15 minutes to get all the shit out of my hair. After drying off, I go to my room to change. My towel I left on the floor of the bathroom, since my room and it are connected I didn't think I would need it. Well hell was I wrong. Dan was out there, standing in my room. He turned to me and I said, "Jesus Dan! Knock first!" and covered the areas I didn't want him to see. "I was just putting your phone in here, you left it out there." he says. "Well than, please leave my room." i respond strictly. "But I wanna talk to you." He says. "Fine. Just lemme get some clothes on first!" i say and run back to my bathroom. i wrap the towel around  me because I don't want to put milk and cereal covered pj's back on. I go back out there, quickly grab the first shirt and jeans i see in my drawers.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask after getting my new Hogwarts shirt and black skinny jeans on. Dan just looked at me, and a split second later planted his lips on mine. I tried pulling away in shock, but he held my head back. I was actually really enjoying it. Then I remember Im already dating Pj. I feel so bad, but I forget. He'll never find out.

Things started getting heated up. Dan slipped his tongue in my mouth. I was really enjoying it, but I know this is all wrong. I love Pj. Dan is only my friend. Our rambunctiousness was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Getting dressed I shouted, a lie. "Okay, I'll be in my room." I hear Phil respond. "Dan get the hell out of here." I whisper. He didn't object. As soon as we heard Phil's footsteps walk away, he ran out the door. I go back to my bathroom and think about what just happened while straighting my hair.

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