•3• New Girl •3•

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School started and Cheryl had saved her sister from going to the nut house. Clarissa dresses up for school, new year, new people - new experiences. Trouble and drama around every croner - heartbreak just as well. She picked out her best outfit, a black crop top, blue skirt, Jason's old leather jacket, Converses and her necklace. Her curled locks just the same. Her and Cheryl drove to school, Clarissa stay silent to her parents most of the time nowadays as they drove Jason away and now he hasn't called because him. It was their fault.

"Now we know our plan for this school year right sis?" Asks Cheryl as they drove from Thorn Hill. Their mother waving them bye as they left. Clarissa couldn't feel more happy of leaving that house, the memory of Jason lingered too much.

"Yes, make it big - make sure we stay good in pubic eye and stay strong for Jason, even if it means to play a little dirty," says Clarissa knowing the plan by heart, she wouldn't be playing dirty and she knew Cheryl could never actually get dirty. Cause all the dirtiness Cheryl did, was talk and talk.

"Correct, all their pathetic eyes will be on us, now that Jason is gone, we will have the whole town on us - so there will no giving under stress or pressure, we are strong ladies and most of all - we're sisters, we don't leave each other hanging, cause family is-"

"Always and Forever."

Cheryl smiled at Clarissa. "That's my girl." They drove to the school and sure enough, everyone was staring at the two red heads in their fancy car and clothes. Their perfect silk locks of red. Cheryl smirked getting out with a shy Clarissa behind her. They walked right in knowing everyone was gonna be talking about the Blossom Sisters for the whole year.

• • • • •

The Blossom Sisters were the biggest thing at school and well all over town, cause of the Fourth of July Tragedy. It was lunch and Clarissa heard of a new girl. Cheryl knew who she was friends with and didn't care until about two or so years ago. Well Cheryl and Jason went to a private school, Clarissa went to the elementary and middle school in Riverdale which Clarissa didn't mind at all - besides being alone with their parents.

So like normal, Clarissa walked to their table and there was Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, and Kevin Keller but this time, there was a new girl. Clarissa walked. Betty glanced over and groaned. "Why are we groaning?" Asks Veronica confused.

Archie glanced too but he smiled. Betty glared. "It's Clarissa," she gritted though her teeth.

"Who's Clarissa?"

"Hey Clary!" Archie waves over his red head friend. She smiled and happily sat next to him. They hugged making Betty glare harder.

"Hey guys," she smiled.

"Whoa Archiekins I didn't know you had a sister," says Veronica, comparing the two - who looked like brother and sister.

"Oh Clary isn't my sister, she's my friend, Clary meet Veronica Lodge. Veronica meet Clary Blossom," he introduced the two. Betty didn't care at all for Clary as much as she hate to be the drowner. She didn't like any of the Blossoms after Jason and Polly. Especially Clarissa as she tried to act so innocent and so kind, Betty knew it was an act.

"Wait? Didn't your brother-?"

"Die, yea but I'm sure Jason is in a better place now," she teared up, Archie gave her a hug. Kevin nodded sadly, he too didn't care for the Blossom but Clarissa was always so nice - how could not feel bad even just a little?

"Yea I'm heard, I'm sorry," Veronica says knowing how it feels to loss someone. Not in the same matter, but losing someone close still hurts. Clarissa nodded and then looked to Betty. As Veronica and Kevin talked. Archie left for something Clarissa didn't hear.

"I heard about Polly, Betty and I just wanted to say you or Polly need anything - I will more than happily help, I liked Polly - I thought she was real good for Jason," Clarissa truthly thinking of all the countless yellings Jason got cause of her mistakes and actions. She even remembers when they were at the private school and her mother on a trip. Their father beat her. She never told anyone not even Jason nor Cheryl.

"Well Polly doing just fine thank you, and so am I," Betty snaps at her. Clarissa never understand why Betty disliked her so much when she was only trying to help.

"I understand, Betty and it's okay to be angry at me, I understand," Clarissa smiles sadly and Betty finally felt bad.

"Sorry Clary it's just hard with Polly and now my mom-" she was cut off by Clarissa taking her hand.

"I get it, Betty - anger is a powerful emotion like love and hate, it overwhelms us. I don't blame you or Polly, I will always welcomed you two - no tricks, no lies," Clarissa made Betty feel bad even worse for being so rude. Polly always said Clarissa was so sweet and nice, why couldn't she just believe her like a good person?

Cause she was a Blossom but in the moment, she sure didn't act like one. She acted like well a person. Betty smiled thankfully," thank you." And that's all Clarissa needed to hear from Betty. She nodded as if saying your welcome. And that's when Cheryl waltz over and started talking with them.

"So what you four hens gossiping about?" She smirks looking at them, especially Clarissa.

"Academics and Extra curriculars," says Veronica. "Clarissa was just mentioning a cheerleading team?" She was lying but she hoped they did.

Clarissa nodded going along knowing, they were talking of Betty's​ undying crush for Archie. "Yea, I just thought since she's new - she would like to try out, you said you're looking for some girls to replace Jessica and them," Clarissa says playing with her fingers nervous kind of hoping Cheryl would believe her.

"Surely you must join, I'm senior caption," Cheryl smiles looking at Veronica. She liked the idea of a girl like Veronica Lodge on her team. She needed girls with fire. Clarissa had the fire, but she needed someone to light it.

"Is cheerleading still a thing?" Asks Kevin, more to Cheryl than Clarissa.

"Is being the gay best friend still a thing?" Snaps Cheryl making Clarissa whimper in silent. Why drama? Why?
Kevin shut his mouth. Cheryl then smiles at Veronica," to see you there and I'm sure me and Clarissa would love to have you on the squad. See you there. And don't forget to add at Twitter. My handle is cherylbombshell." And with that the devilish Blossom walked away.

"She was a handful," comments Veronica after a second.

"She's Queen Bee of the school," says Kevin.

"And she's my sister," says Clarissa making Veronica look at her.

"That's your sister?" Asks Veronica. Clarissa nods. "I know it feels to have a sibling. He's probably a bit older than Cheryl. His name is Victor. He tries to work back home in New York but Moms trying get him here with us."

"Why isn't he?"

"Let's just say things are hard...."

Who should play Veronica's brother, Victor? Comment below, and I hope you guys are enjoying.

Love Arielle

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