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The next day, was the biggest plot twist Clarissa nor Cheryl could have pulled off. At least to everyone's knowledge. It was lab class and Clarissa and Cheryl worked as partners as always. Jughead Jones was in that very class and his eyes couldn't stay off of her.

Clarissa Blossom, the girl he's had a crush on since grade school. The police walked in with the principal​. And like that, Cheryl stood up pulling Clarissa with her and Clarissa knew she would have to go along with whatever plan Cheryl had up her sleeve.

"You found me and as well as my sister guilty," says Cheryl. Clarissa didn't know where Cheryl was going with this. Her brows fused up then faded quick playing along. She looked down sad, she could hear some students in front of her and Cheryl. Their whispering was louder than a whisper.

"I told you she threaten poor innocent Clary."

"Yea I guess you were right."

She didnt do any of that, thought Clary upset and mad but her facial stayed the same. Jughead looked wide eyed at the girl he loved and her psycho sister. Surely she wasn't guilty of killing Jason was she? Clarissa was too sweet and quiet to do so. Cheryl on the other hand was hot head and a bitch.

The police and principal walked the girls to the office. Everyone watched as the red heads walked in the office. Everyone knew one day, the Blossom Sisters would end themselves up in trouble. But murder? No one saw it coming.

Cheryl and Clarissa sat heads down, hands in their lap. Well at least Clarissa was. The two adults looked at them. Before they could say a word to the sisters. Cheryl cuts them off. "To be clear, we're not guilty of killing JJ, we loved him more than life itself. We're guilty of lying....what happen on 4th of July..." Says Cheryl looking down now as well as Clarissa. The secrets were now being unfolded, twists and turns laid at every corner.

And Clarissa knew all hell would break lose; speak of the devils. Their parents walked right in. "Cheryl, Clarissa," their mother grabbed each of her daughters by their arms dragging them up.  "We will not say anymore until we have a lawyer present," hissed their mother. She dragged her daughters by their forearms, causing a scene in the hall where all watched with their judgment eyes. Jughead being one of the people in the crowd.

His eyes locked with Clarissa's pleading green eyes. She was scared, terrified even. She was shaking, her mother's nail digging into their arm. The door slammed breaking the connection of their eyes.

• • • • •

When they got home, Cheryl and Clarissa didnt hear the end of it. "What were you thinking?! Saying something like that without us there?!" Boomed their father, Clarissa scared more than ever. Shook like a leave. Her eyes widen in fear and she couldn't move or speak. She was frozen in fear. The fear of her father.

"JJ isn't dead, daddy!" Yells back Cheryl.

"Your brother is gone Cheryl, get it through your head!" Sobs their mother, clearly upset by the topic of her son.

"No more you two, go to you rooms," orders their father, the girls go to turn to the stairs when," Clarissa stay here for a sec." Cheryl gives her a sorry look before heading up.

Clarissa slowly turned to her parents. "Yes mommy, daddy?"

"Do you mind telling us what this is?!" her father holds up the sign thing for the Art thing, Mrs Rose gave her. She paled, her father staring her down.

"Mrs Rose gave to me for a summer art thing to do," she said shyly, her voice low and quiet. She played with her thumbs and swayed back and forth on her heels.

"A summer art thing huh?" Her father looked at the paper before stroking into the living room. Her mother just watching.

"Daddy what are you doing?" Clarissa follows walking into the living with her mother close behind. She gasped, heart broken. All of her art stuff were there, some in the fire place. "Daddy stop it please!"

"I'm sorry Clarissa now your brother is gone, you or Cheryl will have the family business, and Cheryl is too emotional too unstable for it," he throw the art paper into the fire, and began throwing her canvas and paint brushes in as well.

"No daddy stop!" Her mother held her back, as she tried to lung for her father and her art work. "Stop! Please!" Tears streamed down her face, her cheeks red and now she watched heart broken, numb, empty as her paintings burned with the beautiful colors she made.

"No....." She dropped to the ground, crying her tears out. Her heart shattered more than ever. She had never felt so much pain than when Jason left. Her mother and father left their youngest to her tears, not even bothering to help her. She sat there crying her heart out, all the work she put into those - gone. They were things to help her with JJ being gone.

Cheryl saw her sister broken and came in, she hugged her sister. Watching as well, her sister's hard work burn into the fire. "I'm so sorry, Clarissa."

"Why are they like this?" She sobbed clinging to her older sister. With Jason gone, Clarissa needed Cheryl more than ever. And Cheryl saw that, she needed to be the strong one for the both of them.

"I dont know, Clarissa. I don't know..."

Fallen Angel ✓ Jughead JonesWhere stories live. Discover now