
I saw my mother in my dreams, sitting and eating with an iron spoon, (Probably "giving") she was talking about Lorenita, daughter of Irma Meruvia and Gustavo Lafuente (It is believed). Apart from that, I saw her in physical body in the house of Prince "Jeff", entirely cold-blooded, is told that they are reviewing in England spoon by spoon with Prince "Jarry", son of Diana, princess of Wales, although she was not there and she is blonde. (Who "gives"?) And who was the father of Lorenita Meruvia L.? I shall not give anything at all, Vale says, and so I didn't for not knowing who owned it all. On that way I don't give what follows because in such a short time I no longer remember... Is it a lack of proper nourishment? Or because she doesn't have the right diet?

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