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"Grezelda? What kind of name is that," a little girl Lola says as a wicked smirk envelops her delicate features.

"It's a freaks name. Because she's a freak. Look at her eyes," another boy Charlie, laughs as he points down.

"FREAK. GREZELDA IS A FREAK," Lola begins to sing as she runs in circles around the girl huddled on the ground.

"Freak, freak. Grezelda's such a geek," the kids sing in unison as the girl cries in the center.

"What's the matter Gre-smell-da. Fight back you freak," Lola hisses in her ear.

Lola's cold voice sends shivers down Grezelda's spine and she jumps up and breaks through the circle making a run for somewhere, anywhere quieter.

Afraid that she's being followed Grezelda stumbles and furiously wipes at stray tears. She finally slows when she reaches a big tree towards the end of the playground. Recess is almost over and Grezelda knows from experience that if she walks in with tears in her eyes the teacher will ask what happened. That can't happen, it would just make thin-

"Why are you crying," a little boy with curly black hair asks popping out of nowhere.

Another identical little boy pops out and elbows him in the ribs.

"Ouch," he says as he glares at his...twin?

"Maybe she doesn't want to talk about it," he mutters.

"Maybe, she needs to talk about it," he mutters back.

"Maybe, I'm right here and don't like being talked about," Grezelda says raising her chin in defiance.

"I'm Blue and we're new. Hey that rhymed," the one who asked why she was crying said holding out a hand. "Woah, cool eyes," he breathes looking at her deeply.

Grezelda, feeling uncomfortable hangs her head a little. What kind of fifth grader shakes hands anyways.

Luce elbows Blue in the ribs again. Blue shrugs and shoots a dazzling smile instead.

"I'm Luce, like loose," the other brother smiled.

Grezelda relaxed her stance a bit and gave a hesitant smile.

"And your name-" Blue starts but gets cut off by a whistle.

"Recess over," she mutters as she walks past them to the line of students she'd been avoiding. Grezelda was also kind of glad that she'd evaded the question. She knew they'd find out eventually, but for now. They were new, and they liked her.

She fell in line as the teacher began walking them back to class. From behind her she could hear a familiar voice singing.

"Freak, freak. Gresmellda's such a geek".


Tears, hot and fat begin pouring down her face. She tries wiping them away but they appear almost as quickly as she can make them leave. Her shoulders begin to shake with suppressed sobs when suddenly a voice cuts through.

"What did you say to her," Luce breaks out of line and walks up to him.

"You are?" Charlie says looking at Luce with little interest.

Blue comes up next to his brother and looks at Charlie coldly. "He asked you a question".

"Is that really how you want to start out here? Sticking up for Grezelda," Charlie says the name as if its something disgusting.

Before Charlie can get another word out Blue punches him. Like right in his stupid face. Luce then smiles and kicks him in his groin as the class lets out a collective groan.

"Zelda, her name is Zelda," Luce says looking at the whole class.

Zelda nearly bursting smiles as the brothers look to her for confirmation. She nods vigorously feeling a new sense of confidence.

"What kind of kids get into a fist fight on their first day at school!" the teacher shouts grabbing them all and marching them to the principles office.

"Uhm. Zelda, your friends are so cool," a girl that was chanting at her earlier mutters shyly.

Zelda, looking into the direction the twins were taken smiles. "Yeah, they are".



This is my first book I'm publishing on Wattpad and right now I am currently talking to no one. But, I realllllyyyy hope whoever reads this likes it and shares it and they like it and they share it and yadadadada. I love love love writing and just wanted to see if I could actually do it ya know. Also, I promise to frequently update and if I can't you guys will be the first to know. Because I absolutely detest reading a book on here and falling in looovee and the author just goes A-wall. I won't do that.

But anyway about this book. No they will not be this young throughout the book, just this chapter. I wanted you guys to see how and where it all started for this trio. There may be some confusion but I swear it'll get cleared up over time annddd yeaaa. I do not have cast members. I want you guys to get creative and feel free to imagine up whoever you want, go wild.

I hope your prepared for the twist and turns this book will take you because it's gonna be crayyyyyyyy. Kbyeeee.

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