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As I walk into the house I prepare myself to be bombarded with thousands of questions. Mostly from my mom. But, the house is silent and everyone is asleep, its about eleven and old people can't really hang.

The night was amazing, and for the first time in forever my heart felt full. I won Fyre a giant bear by tossing the rings on bottles. He'd insisted that he win me one but, I told him we don't have to work like that, to which he smiled brightly and took his bear.

I think what I like most about Fyre is his presence. Its calming and, I need calming. When he dropped me off he'd surprised me by not leaning in for 'the kiss'. He walked me to the door and grabbed my hand, it was sudden and I didn't pull away. After that he said goodnight and left, just like that.

I guess chivalry thrives in odd places.


"Where'd he take you, how was it?" my mother asks setting her coffee mug down as I descend the steps

"Did you have fun?" my father says with a piercing stare.

"Ooh, was he a gentleman?" she says with a wistful smile

"He better have been," he replies sternly.

Eh, better late than never.

"The fair, it was truly amazing. I had loads of fun and he was such a gentlemen that I thought I was being punk'd," I respond casually pouring myself a bowl of cereal.

My mom shrieks gleefully making me nearly drop the milk.

"Ooh, my sweet precious child I'm so happy for you," she says running up to me and trapping me in a hug. I relax into her familiar arms and take in all the love she's giving me.

It's silent for a moment until my dad clears his throat.

"Aw, do you need hugs too," my mom smiles breaking away from me.

He shakes his head quickly and she dashes over to him as he gets up to run. She chases him into the living room and I presume that she's caught him when I hear a loud thud.

Grabbing my cereal I walk into the living room to see her grabbing his face trying to pepper him with kisses. I step over them and grab the remote off the coffee table and begin flicking through the channels.

I finally decide on watching re-runs of Martin when I hear the doorbell ring. I look over to my parents who are still giggling and rolling around on the floor. With a huff I grab my cereal and answer the door.

"HELLO FAMILY," Blue says loudly bursting through the door.

I hear my mom squeal and run out of the living room. I step aside and munch on my cereal, watching the scene unfold.

"LUCE IS HERE TOO," Luce shouts entering the house and elbowing Blue out of his way.

"My boys," my mom coos grabbing their cheeks. They both smile at her warmly and I just stand there in the corner, eating my cereal.

My dad then walks in and they start talking about sports. I roll my eyes and go to wash out my bowl and put it away. As I come back they're still in the same spot, talking about the same thing.

"UGHHHHH," I groan. "Could you guys get any more boring," I whine stalking out of the room.

"Oh I'm sorry Z, I forgot you were physically crippled" Luce says in mock sympathy.

My dad laughs and walks out of the room with mom reluctantly in tow.

"It's okay, your inability to do anything relating to sports is truly a talent," Blue chirps resting his hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off quickly and glare at him.

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