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"Can anyone tell me one of the reasons the Great Depression started," my history teacher Mrs.Lionel asks looking around the room hopefully.

I put my head down and doodle in my notebook. Blue is the only one I talk to in this class and he isn't even here. Asshole.

"Come on. We only have a few weeks left and finals are coming up," she says looking around.

"Don't remind me," I mutter under my breathe.

The kids around me start to snicker and Mrs.Lionels' hawk eyes land on me.

"I'm sorry, did you have something to add Gre-"

"Overproduction in the industry caused the stock market crashing, which was one of the main five reasons it started. That, and Hoover was a passive aggressive prick," I say looking up to her with a sweet smile.

That old bat literally has something to say to me everyday and I'm tired of her shit.

"Detention. I believe you know the way," she shouts looking appalled.

I stand up and grab my things and begin to brush past her when I pause. "Wait actually could I have the study guide. I mean, like you said finals are coming up".

I can afford to put her in her place but not to get behind in this class.

She grimaces and walks over to her desk grabbing a stack of papers. Walking back up to me she shoves them into my hands.

"Thanks," I mutter walking out of the class.

With no intention of actually going to detention I make a beeline to the library. There's only about fifteen minutes left of class and I have nothing better to do.

As I'm walking down the hallway my phone starts to ring. I look down to see that its Luce and answer on the third ring.

"Have you seen Blue," Luce rushes.

"Uh, no. He wasn't in first I just thought he ditched to play hooky"

"Nah, uhm, I think its our mom" he starts awkwardly.

I tense up at his words. Their relationship with their mother is..rocky. They moved in with their aunt around the time I first met them. I don't know the complete story and honestly I never really wanted to ask. It seemed too touchy, and I want them to tell me on their own.

"Zelda, you there"?

"Yeah, sorry. Whats going on"

"Well, lately she's been trying to- to uh, get us back," he stutters out.

Get them back?

"What do you mean," I start

"Oh, shit he's on the other line. I'd rather talk in person anyways so I'll see you later," he rushes out.

"No wait-" I begin but hear the dial tone.

My arm goes limp and I stand in the middle of the hallway wondering what exactly just fucking happened. The bell rings and people begin pouring out of their classrooms. I stand there a few seconds longer until the stares become uncomfortable. I walk down the hallway aimlessly and find myself at Roxie's locker. She's talking to one of her cheer mates, Cammie I think her name is.

"Sammie, I'll talk to you later" she says cutting her sentence short.

I am the worst at names.

"Babe, you look like someone kicked your cat, whats up," she says looking at me worriedly.

"Rox, you know I hate cats," I smile.

"Who says I was talking about kittens," she smirks linking my arm through hers.

I burst out laughing. I can always count on Roxie to make me laugh when I'm feeling down. My laughter cuts short as I remember what I was worried about in the first place. I can't share that with her, It isn't my business to tell.

"Come on Zelda, you can talk to me," she smiles.

"It's just, alot you know. Senior year is coming up and I don't really have my shit together," I mutter feeling guilty.

"Oh Z, you are the most put together ass bitch that I know. You got this and I'm here for you, okay. Now stop feeling bad for yourself that grimace is not working for you".

I look over at her in sincere admiration. This girl, she has her faults but, she's amazing. I reach out and hug her on impulse as the tardy bell rings.

"Oh, okay. This is new," she laughs relaxing into the hug. "Ohh, its my man candy," she shrieks breaking out of the hug.

I turn around in confusion and see Blue and Luce walking towards me. I rush to meet them halfway.

"You better start talking you fuc-"

"Later," he mutters looking over to Roxie who somehow is already clung to Blue.

I smirk and watch as he tries prying her away. "They're kinda cute don't ya think," I smile.

"Maybe, ginger isn't really my type," Luce says looking at the two struggle.

I look over to him prepared to ask what his 'type' exactly is when I hear a stern voice telling us to get to class. We all have literature next so we make our way silently down the hall. Roxie somehow still clinging to Blue and Luce looking lost in thought. I find myself getting lost into my mind too.

Luce said he'll tell me later but, I'm impatient and need answers. We all walk into class and find our seats. I need something to take my mind off this whole situation.

"Pop quiz," The teacher yells as we sit down.

Well fuck me, I groan banging my head softly on the table.


Authors note:

So I skipped a day but that's normal right??? Idk this is all new to me man. Buuuuut I updated and things are happening now ooooohhhhh.

Please remember to vote, like ya know if you want to or whatever I'm not your mom. Have a lovely day and tell me who your fave character is???????


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