48 2 2

"Oh thank God," I mutter as the final bell rings.

My last period is advanced algebra and let me just say, I. Am. Drained. The whole period all I could focus on was the talk Luce and I were going to have. Every time we were about to get somewhere something would derail us and he'd end up saying 'later'. I'd also tried asking Blue where he'd ran off to first period but, he'd just smirk and shrug it off.

"UGHH," I groan in frustration as I tug on my hair.

"Trouble in paradise," a familiar voice whispers into my ear sending shivers down my spine.


I grab my bags and prepare to bolt out of the room when he grabs my arm.

"Let me go," I hiss trying to pry my arm free.

Why is there no one in this classroom?

"Aw, your adorable when your trying to be feisty. But, remember, Grezelda. I see through you. I always have," he smirks. "In more ways than one".

I feel my lip begin to tremble and turn my face away. Don't cry, don't let this asshole see you cry.

"What are you two doing in here," a teacher demands as he walks into the room.

Charlie chuckles letting go of my arm. "Nothing at all".

As he walks out of the room my phone starts to buzz. Looking down I see that its Luce but decide to let it ring.

After the teacher grilled me with questions I walked silently to my locker. Grabbing my backpack and books I feel my phone buzzing again but refrain from reaching for it.

"Aw man, that hurt Zelda," Blue winces as he clutches his heart.

"Sorry, I just- sorry," I breathe letting a smile spread on my face.

Blue looks momentarily worried and begins to ask a question.

"Oh my God," I gasp.

"What!" he shouts as he freezes.

"You've been temporarily cured of the Rox pocs," I smile.

He pauses and lets out a laugh that seems to light up his face and spread through the hallway. Some people stare and I begin to laugh along with him.

"Zelda, I've been calling you whats up," Luce says as he walks up cutting our laughter short.

"I'm sorry," I say as a few giggles cut through. "I was gonna call you back but-".

"Yeah, come on. You wanted an explanation"?

Damn. I forgot about this.

Blue's face goes rigid and I look at him in confusion.

"Hello summers," Lola struts up to Blue and purrs in his ear.

I freeze. Luce freezes. Lola smirks.

"What the fuck," I say looking at the two. I believe I was voicing what everyone was thinking.

Luce looks at a loss for words which makes me feel a bit better. He didn't know either.

"I just wanted to say that I had so much fun earlier," Lola smiles talking more to Luce and I than to Blue.

So that's where he was first period. With Lola, I think I'm going to be sick.

Blue clears his throat and steps a few inches away from her. I don't know why but it brings a smile to my face.

"Sorry hun looks like your services are no longer required," I say consolingly placing a hand on her shoulder.

She looks at Blue who looks away and she shrugs my hand off. Before looking to Blue one more time she storms away.

"Are you kidding me," Luce exclaims.

My eyes widen in shock because he isn't really the type to raise his voice in public. Especially not at Blue.

"What the hell were you thinking. Lola, of all people. I know this stuff with mom is-"

"Don't," Blue seethes.

The interaction between the two is causing a bit of attention and I have no clue how to resolve it.

"Don't what? Tell the truth that you're so afraid of hearing," Luce mutters as he walks closer to Blue.

At this I step in.

"Stop," I mutter cutting in between the two.

They look down as If they're just now noticing my presence, and everyone else's.

Blue tries walking away but I grab his arm holding him still with a look in my eyes that screamed please.

"Come on," Luce says over his shoulder as he starts walking towards the exit.

We walk to the car in a strained silence and I feel a rising responsibility to dilute the tension.

"What's happening?" I start silently. "Everything was fine before we got to school and now-" I let the sentence hang because we all know what I mean.

We all duck into the car and the twins look at each other silently.

I roll my eyes in aggravation. I hate it when they do this, I really thought that whole 'twin-telepathy' was a myth. But, as I sit here watching them communicate I sigh and just wait for them to finish.

"Alright," Blue says surprising me. "We just, not here in this parking lot".

I nod my head and Luce begins pulling out of the school lot.

I plug my phone in and play some soothing music that is not, The Weeknd. I don't think I'll ever be able to listen to him with the twins again. The car ride is nice, any tension that might have been felt earlier is gone. We sit in a comfortable silence as the soft music envelops the car.

I roll the window down and let the wind tickle my scalp. As we make our way to our spot, which is the local roller skating rink, a small smile appears on my face. Whenever one of us had a bad day, we'd come to this skating rink and each get a super large slushie. We'd then have a competition to see who could finish theirs first.( It was always me, girl power). After that we'd skate and laugh to the soft seventies that would play in the background.

Its my happy place. Suddenly all my worries become distant as I focus on right now. I'm surrounded by two of the people I love most in this world. Breathing in a deep breath I decide to let myself relax. Even if it is only for a second.


Authors note:

Whew guys this required alot of me. Like I don't know I had a serious case of writers block and just didn't know what to do. I had to force myself to write but, I'm glad I did because it started to just flow out of me.

Hope you guys liked this chapter because I loooved it. Any Ideas as to what's going on with the twins mom????

Remember to vooottee, If you want though, If not it's totally cool. Kbyeeeee

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