the price of fashion // yb's credit card

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Young Bae stared at the pile that was was growing of unused clothes. His eyebrow twitched in annoyance. “JIYONG!!!”, he yelled. He heard footsteps and turned around only to find Seung Ri there.

“Yo, what's up? Ji's not here right now, he left a short while ago”, Seung Ri said.

Young Bae's eyes widened. “Where??”, he asked desperately, shaking Seung Ri. “Where?? WHERE DID HE GO!!??”

“I DON'T KNOW!!”, Seung Ri answered. He hated when his hyungs pushed him around.

“Please tell me he didn't go shopping..please..please..”, Young Bae muttered, his hands out in front of him, the palms touching.

“Hyung....are you...praying?”, Seung Ri asked skeptically.

“Yeah well, what else do you want me to do?”, Young Bae asked glaring at him. “Nobody can stop that beast from emptying all the stores and he'll tear me limb from limb if I get rid of any of the stuff he has piling up in here”

“I think you're overreacting”, Seung Ri said smirking.

“Excuse me?”, Young Bae asked in a pissed off tone. “I'm overreacting?? I'm not the only one that feels this way” Young Bae stood up and pointed into the kitchen where Seung Hyun was staring into his coffee with a blank expression on his face. He looked up at them. Young Bae and Seung Ri felt shivers go down their spine and they took a few steps back.

Seung Hyun stared at them with empty eyes. He looked like the the living dead...literally. “I'm sorry Bae”, he croaked out in a voice that sounded alien to them. “I couldn't stop him...he's crazy...insane....I couldn't stop him...”

Young Bae nodded sympathetically while Seung Ri raised his eyebrows as if doubting the truth of his words. One look into Seung Hyun's blank eyes though, and he suddenly changed his mind.

“So...”, came a voice that seemed to come out of thin air.

“Who's that?”, Seung Ri asked. He watched as the pile of clothes underneath him began to move. “Holy shit!! What the fuck!!..... it's the cookie monster!!!”, he yelled, staring as a head appeared amidst all the clothes.

“Shut-up Ri, that's just Daesung”, Youngbae said in a calm voice as Seung Ri hid behind him.

“Oh..”, Seung Ri said in a voice that sounded somewhat disappointed. “That's you Daesung?”

“Yeah...Jiyong kinda buried my breathing bed is covered in his clothes”, Daesung answered, shaking himself like someone who had just come out of a shower. “Anyway..what are we gonna do about this? I can't live in these conditions”

“What conditions?”, Seung Ri asked. The other three glared at him.

“It's because Jiyong still hasn't filled up your room with crap yet or else you'd be on our side”, Young Bae said.

“Crap? I think hyung has a unique sense of... style”, Seung Ri said. He made his fingers wiggle as effects. “ And then...”

“Yeah..whatever..”, Young Bae answered rolling his eyes. He turned around and started throwing out solutions with the other two members while totally ignoring Seung Ri.

“There has to be a reason why he's doing this”, Daesung said. “He only started shopping ceaselessly about two months ago”

“Well, what happened up to two months ago??”, Young Bae asked stroking his chin.

“Well.....hard to say......I mean with Jiyong, a lot of things happen”, Seung Hyun said.

“True”, the other two said nodding their heads.

“...and that's what I think”, Seung Ri finished saying. “Hey...hey...are you guys listening to me!!!?”

“No”, Young Bae answered.

“No way”, Seung Hyun added.

“I'm sorry maknae, were you saying something??”, Daesung asked, an innocent smile on his face.

Seung Ri looked like he was about to cry. “I hate you all!!! I'm gonna go out and find Ji”

“You do that”, Young Bae said.

“MmmHmmm....go for it”, Seung Hyun added.

“Sorry Ri, I spaced out, what was that?”, Daesung asked.

“Ugghh!!!”, Seung Ri said and stomped out of their apartment, slamming the door behind him.

“Finally he's gone”, Young Bae said. The other two nodded. “Anyway, so what do we do??”

“Easy...we go check out our schedule and watch reruns of Big Bang Tv, that will probably help us out”, Daesung said.

“Ah...good idea!!!”, Seung Hyun said, patting Daesung on the head. “Who knew you were smart?”

“Ah..thanks hyung....wait...HEY!!”, Daesung said, his smile disappearing momentarily.

“Well, let's get to work!!”, Young Bae said. They all followed him.

Meanwhile, at the mall Jiyong was already at the register of his fifth store that day. He handed the cashier his credit card. Then he snapped his fingers for his helpers to come and get the 10 huge bags he had just bought.

“Well..”, he said whistling a happy tune. “Let's see if I can find something more before I max out Young Bae's credit card.”

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