the price of fashion // father!?

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Seung Hyun looked sat down on his couch. Ten days and Jiyong hadn't appeared yet. He wondered where Jiyong could be. He looked around the apartment. At least we've been able to clean it out, he thought.

He sighed loudly, unsure of what to do. He got up and decided to walk over into Jiyong's room. How many times did he enter it per day?? He had lost count already. He looked over everything and opened Jiyong's computer. He stared at it refusing to click on the file that he considered forbidden.

Suddenly, something caught his eye. Something he had never seen before. The name of the file was “Seung Hyun”. Seung Hyun opened it and listened. It was a beautiful melody...with beautiful lyrics. He checked to see when it had been written. Four months ago... he thought. Shit....

Meanwhile Jiyong looked outside of the window of his room. He looked around unsure of what to do. He sank down into the floor as images kept replaying in his head. Images that he hadn't been able to get rid of for four months.


Jiyong walked out of the store carrying a huge bouquet of flowers. I wonder if he'll even like flowers, he thought. Oh well.....hopefully this will work out.

Jiyong had been trying to tell Seung Hyun how he felt about him for quite some time. It was difficult when you had so many adoring female fans all around you and when you were working nonstop on a solo album.

He walked over to the park that he heard Seung Hyun would be at. Young Bae had given him the directions. Of course Young Bae knew how Jiyong felt about Seung Hyun, but he was good at keeping secrets so of course he didn't say anything.

Jiyong crossed the street with a light spring in his step. Anyone could tell he was happy. He was finally going to tell his hyung how he felt about him. No more excuses. Now it would be just the two of them. Jiyong sighed as he saw Seung Hyun's figure in the distance.

It had taken Jiyong some time to realize he was in love, but still, now he had the chance to confess it and he wasn't going to let it slip. He walked over to Seung Hyun, nervously hiding the flowers behind his back.

He stepped toward the clearing and just as he was going to go up to Seung Hyun, he heard a little girl shout out. Seung Hyun turned around a huge smile on his face.

“Ha Rie, come here and give me a hug”, Seung Hyun said in the deep sexy voice of his.

Jiyong's body went cold as he watched a little girl, probably no more than three run into Seung Hyun's arms.

“Daddy, Daddy!!!”, Ha Rie yelled as Seung Hyun picked her up in his strong arms and twirled her around. She laughed in delight.

Jiyong stared at the scene, unsure of what to do. Since when did he have a daughter?? Since when did he even have a girlfriend?? Did he keep it from us so that no one would find out?? Did-- a thousand thoughts went running through his head at that moment.

He was hurt. Jiyong felt like his heart had been torn up and trampled on. It had taken him so long to build up his courage, to make sure that he confessed at the perfect time and in the perfect place. Now, had just been given a high dose of reality.

He dropped the flowers in his hand and turned around. He heard the voice of a woman whom the child, Ha Rie called “mama”. Tears slid down Jiyong's cheeks as he stomped on the flowers, grinding them into the ground.

“Are you ok sir?”, he heard a passers-by call out to him, but he ignored him. Jiyong knew he was shaking badly and that he probably looked a fucking mess.

He ran. There was nothing else to do. He ran, farther and farther away. He ran as far as he could from the scene that had just destroyed his life.


Young Bae stared at Seung Hyun who looked pissed as hell.

“What is it?”, Young Bae asked.

Seung Hyun grabbed the laptop and threw it at him. Young Bae was barely able to catch it.

“What?”, Young Bae asked staring at Seung Hyun.

“Open it”, Seung Hyun answered. Young Bae did as he was told. It was already open to a file that Young Bae recognized. He looked up at Seung Hyun.

“Ah...”, he said.

“Don't “ahh” me, tell me what the fuck it means”, Seung Hyun said.

“Well...I can't tell you that”, Young Bae answered.

“Why the hell not?? Obviously it has something to do as to why Jiyong started shopping like a maniac and for some reason it involves me”, Seung Hyun said, still angry.

“Yeah..well..”, Young bae said, uncomfortable.

“Young fucking sing in the song...that's your voice in the chorus”, Seung Hyun added. Young Bae looked up at him tears in his eyes.

“I'm sorry Seung Hyun, I knew what was wrong with Jiyong bro, but I didn't know how to help him. I didn't know what the fuck to do and then he went and used my money and I got so fucking pissed...and..”, Young Bae said, stopping to take a breath.

“Why didn't you come to me?”, Seung Hyun asked.

“Beacuse!!! Don't you see it Seung Hyun, or can you really be that DENSE??!!”, Young Bae said, growing angry. “It has to do WITH YOU!!! JIYONG IS IN THIS CRAZY STATE BECAUSE OF YOU!!!”

Seung Hyun stared at him. “What?”, he asked.

“HE LOVES YOU!!!”, Young bae finally said.


Another one. Few more chapters before this story ends :)

-Admin K

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