the price of fashion // i ain't loco

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Jiyong stepped out of the bathroom supported by Seung Ri. I owe him my life..., he thought bitterly. If it weren't for the boy he would have been miles down in the earth.

“Thanks Ri”, he said with an effort as Seung Ri allowed him to sit down on the bed. He hadn't spent a lot of time in the hospital yet, but even so, Jiyong couldn't help but think about the fact that none of the other members had shown up to see him. Just as soon as he was about to ask Seung Ri why they hadn't come, YG came barging into his room.

“Jiyong, what the hell is wrong with you??!!”, YG demanded.

“Please, sir, you shouldn't be speaking to him like that. It will only cause him to do it again”, a tired looking man said.

“Who are you??”, Jiyong asked thinking that he already knew the answer.

“I'm Doctor Kim. I'm a psychologist. I deal with many suicide cases. I'm pretty busy right now, but I think it would be good for you to go see my son who is also a licensed psychologist”, the man said in a very patient tone. For some reason, it pissed Jiyong off.

“That's a good idea..”, YG said taking the card from the man's hand. “A psychologist”

“What??!!”, Jiyong said. “No way in hell am I going to see a psychologist!!! I ain't loco!!!”, he said.

“Funny you'd say that cause' you almost were in hell”, YG replied anger in his voice.

“I-AM- NOT-GONNA-GO!!! ARASO??”, Jiyong said in a defiant tone. YG sighed.

“You sure as fucking hell are”, came a deep sexy voice Jiyong recognized.

Jiyong narrowed his eyes, nothing but hostility in them as Seung Hyun, Daesung, and Young Bae entered the room. Daesung was the only one that looked worried, the other two looked pissed off.

“I'm not gonna see a fucking lunatic ok??”, Jiyong replied in fierce tone.

“Funny you'd say that...I feel like the only lunatic here is you”, Seung Hyun said in an arrogant tone.

“I'm not going and I give a fuck what you say”, Jiyong answered back.

Seung Hyun charged toward Jiyong and grabbed the front of his shirt pulling Jiyong toward him. He hands were shaking with anger.

“Hey...calm down..”, YG said.


Jiyong flashed his eyes dangerously at him. “NO”, he replied defiantly. Seung Hyun stared at him. Then, without warning he punched Jiyong hitting him square in the jaw.

“YAH!!!”, everyone shouted. Seung Ri grabbed Seung Hyun leaving him open for Jiyong to return the favor. Seung Hyun spit out blood as Young Bae and Daesung grabbed a hold of Jiyong.

“Alright, ENOUGH!!!”, YG yelled. “This is how you two act in front of your juniors??!!!”

Both of them looked up to see the 2NE1 girls staring at them their eyes wide. They looked away quickly and scrambled out of the room. “Shit”, Seung Hyun cursed, under his breath.

“Jiyong, you WILL go to see the psychologist under my orders!! Seung Hyun you WILL accompany him!!! DONE!!!”, YG said. “Realize that this is affecting not only you, but the entire YG family. The stars—Big Bang...they're falling apart. You've left your juniors along with trainees scared as hell and your fans as well....especially after your episode”, he added looking at Jiyong. “I want this resolved as soon as you can!!” With that, he got up and left slamming the door behind him.

“Fuck”, Young Bae said as soon as the door closed.

“Let go of me”, Jiyong said in a cold voice. They did as they were told. Meanwhile, Seung Hyun was straightening out his jacket and wiping the blood off his lip. Jiyong stared at him Seung Hyun noticed eyes on him and looked up.

“If you're expecting a sorry you sure as hell aren't gonna get one”, Seung Hyun said in a bitter voice.

“Don't expect me to say shit either”, Jiyong responded.

The other three members were quietly in a corner not saying anything. They thought perhaps it was best to keep their mouths shut.

“Next time you want to get me to do something, do me a fucking favor and ask nicely”, Jiyong said in a cold voice.

“And next time you want to kill yourself, do us all a favor and make sure it works”, Seung Hyun snapped back.

Jiyong felt the words slap him across the face. “Seung Hyun!!!”, Daesung cried out. “He doesn't mean it hyung”, he said to Jiyong in a desperate tone.

Jiyong shrugged, pretending like the words had no effect on him.

“So....”, Seung Ri said. “When do you want to see the psychologist??”

“Whatever”, Jiyong said.

Seung Hyun gave him an angry glare and said “I'm busy two days, that's the only time I have free to do useless things”

Jiyong felt the words sting him as well. So I'm useless huh?? “'s settled”, Seung Ri said, trying to change the atmosphere.

“Whatever”, Seung Hyun said and with that, he was gone.

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