the price of fashion // he's gone...

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Seung Hyun heard the cellphone ring again. Dammit, he thought. He kept ignoring the call, but it always kept ringing. Can't a guy exercise in peace?, he thought. He was about to turn his phone off completely when a flashing word caught his eye. “URGENT”, it said.

Seung Hyun opened the phone. “'s from YG”, he muttered. He pulled the phone up to his ear expecting the president's angry voice. “Hello?”

“Seung Hyun, where are you?”, came the president's voice. Instead of the hard, angry voice he thought he would hear, it was rather unsettling to hear worry and what almost sounded like fear in the president's voice.

“I'm at the gym, is something wrong?”, Seung Hyun asked, choosing his words carefully.

“Seung Hyun..”, came the voice. It sounded like it was pleading. “Come quickly, he...”, the words trailed off.

“He??”, Seung Hyun asked. “He who?? Sir, are you alright?”

“No”, YG answered. “I've just lost one of the best damn composers that I ever had.

Seung Hyun felt the words hit him. His blood ran cold. “Wh-what are you talking about YG?? What happened?? TELL ME!!!”, he shouted into the phone. His hands were shaking.

“Jiyong.....”, YG managed to say. Seung Hyun didn't wait for him to finish. He closed his phone and was off. He pushed 80 on the highway, but did he care? No, not now....not ever when it came to Jiyong...

He entered the apartment, breathing hard, sweat on his forehead and fear in his eyes. He saw them...all of them. Young Bae, Daesung, Seung Ri. They all looked up at him, pain on their faces.

“What happened?”, he asked in a broken voice.

Only Taeyang was able to answer his question. “Jiyong is gone Seung Hyun. He left. Nobody knows where. He didn't leave a note....nothing.”

“He hasn't come back for four days already. He left”, Seung Ri added bitterly.

“So...he's gone?? He just left?”, Seung Hyun said as if repeating everything would confirm it better.

“Yes, there's nothing left of his, except for his keyboard and all his composing material. It's like he just wanted to disappear” Daesung answered. Seung Hyun stared around the apartment. The clothes were all still there. Jiyong had decision to leave had probably been sudden.

Slowly, he made his way through all the clothes and to Jiyong's room. The once organized and impeccable room was full of clothes along one wall and there was only space to get to Jiyong' bed and keyboard.

Seung Hyun stood staring at the keyboard. Crumbled papers were all over the room, remains of attempts as making new music. He looked at the computer that Jiyong had left behind. He opened it and searched for the last file Jiyong recorded. The last time he attempted to write a song.

Seung Hyun listened to the beat. It was terrible. It was awful. Jiyong had completely lost his touch for writing music. He listened as Jiyong grew frustrated and began hitting random keys on the keyboard. “AAARRGGHH!!!”, he heard Jiyong scream.

Then suddenly Seung Hyun heard something that he heard never heard before. Something he never thought he would hear. Not from Jiyong, their leader. The one who didn't sleep for three days straight in order to work on his solo album. Jiyong....was crying. Seung Hyun felt his chest tighten as he heard the man quietly cry.

Seung Hyun sighed. He closed his eyes tightly. They needed to find Jiyong. They needed to know what was wrong with him. Most of all though..they needed him. Big Bang needed him. Seung Hyun needed him.

Seung Hyun left the room and stood silently in front of the others. No words needed to be said. The other members had heard what he had. They knew what they needed to do.

“Where do we start?”, Young Bae asked.

“The next floor, the next fucking corner..anywhere as long as we find him”, Seung Hyun answered.

They nodded. It was time to set the leader straight whether he wanted to or not.

Jiyong stood on the sidewalk unsure of where to go. He didn't have any clothes except the ones on his back. Luckily, he had been able to cash in his check. He fished out a couple bills and paid a street vendor for some kimchi.

He had to make sure he wasn't tempted to shop, after all he had a limited amount of money. He hoped that maybe he could forget his problems like this....give him some space to breathe...


Another update! LOL. I've been drafting some chapters. Maybe 3 or 5 chapters. Watch out for the upcoming chapters and thank you for reading. This story will end very soon for this is a short story. Okay? Okay. :)

-Admin K

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