It's Complicated Part 1 - The Manhattan Project

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Lena was five-years-old the first time she went to see the magic show with her father, Lionel. She had only been with the Luthors for less than a year at the time. Lillian had been...stern. Stern was a good term. When Lena did well at learning something new, like French, or her fractions and decimals, or especially when she did well in chess, Lillian would give her a nod. That nod was the closest to approval Lena would get from her new mother. It let the little girl know she was on the right path and also that there was room for improvement.

Lex was very warm and welcoming, but he was older and had his own things to do. Lena adored spending time with him. He was happy to be with his new sister, but as soon as their mother saw them bonding her face darkened. She seemed to always find a task for one of them to do. Chess was the exception. They could play chess together, so Lena played with gusto.

Lionel, her father, he was a joy when he was home. He was as warm and close as Lillian was cold and distant. It was almost as if he could see the storm brewing between Lillian and Lena and he meant to dissipate it with his presence. On one such weekend home, he announced he was taking Lena to a magic show. Lena's eyes lit up at the word magic. Lillian had a few choice words for her husband about lying to children and Luthors not being fools. Lena was soon ushered away from the discussion.

The next morning, dressed in a lovely green velvet dress, patent leather shoes with a bright silver buckle, and a warm black wool coat, little Lena Luthor excitedly entered the hall holding onto her father's hand. The ceiling was huge and slightly curved with brightly painted figures adorning it. It was a marvel like so much that she'd seen in her new life. They were lead down to seats in the front row center. The stage lights were bright even in front of the red velvet curtain. Sounds from people all around them pressed in on the little girl, and she looked about nervously.

"Are you all right, darling?" Lionel asked, his brown eyes kind under his slightly bushy eyebrows.

Lena nodded, green eyes popping brightly with the lights. "This is exciting, isn't it? Will we see some real magic today, Father?"

Lionel smiled, loving every moment of his time with her. The way she looked, her smile, so much like her mother though he could never say that. No, that would be civil war at home. He was happy just to have rescued her and have his daughter. He was only sad to have lost her mother.

Instead of saying anything of that ilk, he gently tussled his daughter's hair and said, "What do you think my little one?"

A very serious look crossed Lena's face as she bit at her lower lip. "Well, Mother, says that there isn't any magic, that it's all trickery. She says fools believe in magic and that Luthors aren't fools."

Lionel sighed, not surprised his wife was managing to ruin a day even when she wasn't present. She might have been an appropriate match, but that didn't make her a pleasant one.

"And what does Lena say?" Lionel asked.

"Wait, wait, wait," Lena said, waggling a finger in her father's face. "I'm not done telling you what Mother says yet."

"Oh." Lionel laughed at that little touch of Lillian, though there was no humor in his laugh. In only seven months, Lillian was already infecting the child. Lionel promised himself to spend more time with Lena. Lex might be a lost cause, but he wasn't giving up on this child.

"Please do go on Miss Luthor. I can't wait to hear this."

"Well, um...Mother says that scientists should, um, keep an open mind. Mother is a doctor you know, and, um, she makes sure I learn my, um, math and science. My tutor...say I'm a good little scientist."

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