It's Complicated Part 3 - Film At Eleven

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Lying in the hospital bed, Lena finished her jello cup. Her mind raced over the past two days since she'd been dropped off here by Supergirl. Security was tight outside her hospital room door, and texts from Kara had assured her that between the FBI and NCPD, Kara was covered. Lena was still curious as to what exactly her mother had given Kara, but Kara had only said she was feeling much better and would be coming to visit today. All she needed was some rest and good California sunshine and air.

Lena scratched at the plastic bandage that covered the sutures on her leg. It was So. Damn. Itchy!!! That's it. As soon as she was out of here, she was putting L-Corp resources into an adhesive that worked without causing such...Lena's mind refocused as it was pulled back to reality. No, non-itchy bandages weren't going to be on her radar. She was going to keep pouring all of her resources into her personal project, then sign everything over to the board as soon as she heard from her lawyers that they'd lost. Then she'd be on a plane to somewhere very far away. She hoped that even if she couldn't solve the issue, at least she could make enough headway that someone else would pick up her work and make a difference. She'd done too much ill in her life, hurt someone she cared for. With what time she had left, she needed to try and make a difference.

Her phone chimed, and she thought it was Kara. Grabbing the phone, the little smile fell off her face when Lena saw it was from an unknown number. The text was concerning.

Unknown number: "I heard you came well through surgery. How are you feeling?"

Lena: "How did you get this number?"

Unknown number: "Really Lena? Is that any way to speak to family?"

Lena's blood ran cold immediately at the word 'family'. That could only be one of two people. What were the odds it was Lex? If he could get hired killers after her in prison, he could get a cellphone. Still, would he bother? Was this like him? She sighed. No, this wasn't Lex. Lena knew exactly who was texting her. She went into her contacts and entered a name for the number before typing her reply.

Lena: "I'd say family doesn't try to kill each other, but that's all my family seems to try and do with me. What do you want, Mother?"

Devil Incarnate: "You always were the dramatic one, Lena. I wasn't trying to kill you. As you said, I just saved your life last month. This wasn't about closing your eyes; it was about opening them."

Lena: "And you say I'm the dramatic one. You shot me."

Devil Incarnate: "Not in anything major. I'm a doctor. I know how to avoid major arteries. If you hadn't moved around so much, you'd have been fine."

Lena: "Don't doctors have medical licenses?"

There was a pause, and Lena smirked. That was a cheap shot, but she was lying in a hospital bed thanks to her mother. All things considered, it wasn't that cheap a shot.

Devil Incarnate: "Have you spoken to Kara since your time together under my care?"

Lena: "Your definition of the word care always did leave one wanting."

Devil Incarnate: "Well then maybe I'll get a dictionary as that Mother's Day gift. Have you spoken to Kara?"

Lena's brow furrowed, and she bit at the pad of her thumb. That was twice now her mother had mentioned Kara. She'd only texted with her friend. She'd assumed Kara was fine, and the texts did seem like Kara even down to the happy little emojis, but what if...!?

Lena: "What have you done with Kara!?"

Devil Incarnate: "Nothing. So you haven't spoken to her yet? You and she haven't hashed things out?"

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