It's Complicated Part 2 - Mother Knows Best

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Slowly, Kara began to open her eyes. She tried to move, but she felt sluggish and exhausted. Fingers curled against a cold hard floor, grit picking up underneath her nails. Her joints ached, and her head pounded. Trying to push up on one arm did nothing. She was as weak as a newborn kitten. Her whole body was sore, and she felt dizzy and nauseous

Attempting to work through the cotton that still clouded her mind, Kara thought back to how she could have gotten to wherever she was. She remembered...Lena. She went to see Lena, and that had gone poorly. Okay, that was an understatement. Lena seemed as emotionally unwell as Kara physically felt right now. Kara probably shouldn't have let Lena push her away. She should have...what? She should have picked Lena up and flown away with her? That had never been an option. Okay, what happened next? There had been that ridiculous purse snatcher followed by nearly an hour waiting for and with the cops. Then Kara had gone home and...eyes widening, Kara remembered the voice, the man on the couch, the Kryptonite in her system. She tried to push herself up again, fairing little better. She had managed a few inches before she slumped to the ground again, the Kryptonite in her system really doing a number on her.

"It won't help. You're shackled to the wall."

Kara jerked at the voice in the room, calming slightly when she realized she knew it and then feeling worse because she did. As bad as this situation was, Kara, didn't want to drag anyone else into it. With a shaky voice she barely recognized as her own, Kara managed to say, "Lena?"

"I've been through everything I can access in the room. I haven't been able to find a way out. I'm not sure how they drugged you, but you've been out for a while."

Kara turned her head, seeing Lena sitting about twenty feet away in the opposite corner. There was a chair near her, and what looked like the taken apart remnants of another one near Lena. The woman sat on the floor, back straight and staring out at the wall. "Are you all right? You look greenish."

Lena pointed at the middle of the ceiling. "It's the lighting. This place is worse than a cheap diner bathroom, and before you ask, I have been to one or two in my day. You look and sound awful, and not just greenish. Do you know what drug they gave you?"

" I was shot with a dart in my apartment. There was a man in there. I feel so sick. I'm sure I'll be fine soon though, and then I'll get us out of here."

"You're sweet," Lena said with a hint of a smile. "I'm so sorry you're in here Kara. It's all my fault."

"I'm sure it's not," Kara said, not sure how to explain it was about her without saying too much. "This is probably—"

"This is my mother."


"The only one I have, unfortunately. She kidnapped us both and dumped us in here together."

"Why?" Kara asked. "I remember going home, and there was a man. I got hit in the neck with a dart and...he said something about being sent by she. I'd forgotten that. I asked who she was, but he didn't tell me."

"She is Lillian Luthor. Why she wants you here, well it's not for any good reason. I'm going with leverage against me. As I said; I'm sorry, Kara."

"Maybe...what happened to you?" Kara asked before she could start coming up with theories that could get her into trouble. "Do you remember?"

"All too well. They were waiting in my parking garage. I'll have to check into security if I survive this. One held me at knifepoint while the other hit me with a taser. I woke up along the trip zip-tied and in the trunk of a car. I tried to find the trunk release, but it had been removed. When we got outside here, and the car stopped, that's when things got dicey.

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