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Genji's obsession and gift to Hana is just, wow. 

I slowly walk into the dark apartment that belongs to Genji. He slides his shoes off and flicks on a switch to reveal his place. Having the same layout as mine, marble kitchen, open space living room, and a hallway leading to the bedroom. 

The only difference is his taste in furniture and colors. I felt like I was in a guy's dream suite. A large T.V. in the living room with every single console you can possibly own on the t.v. tabletop. A storage beside it showcasing the game cases and a glass case with lights shining beside it containing figures. 

I walk over to the figures to examine them closer. Majority were of power rangers. I look over at Genji who's pouring himself a glass of water. 

"Someone's a big fan of power rangers?" I stare at the green ranger with a smile. 

"Ever since I was a little boy." A grin forming on his face as he walks over to me. "The green one is my favorite." 

I look at his collection of figures as I stare back at him. "I would never think of you as a collector type." A smirk on his face as he grabs my hand. 

"That's just a preview. Get a look at this." His voice proud as he leads me to his bedroom. As he opens his door, my line of sight already seeing the walls covered with figures from various anime's. Each figure in their own casing with a light shining down to illuminate their holiness. 

I walk further into his room seeing his messy bed, gaming computer across from it, bookshelves full of manga and comic books, a guitar in the corner, cd albums in boxes, and a filled hamper of clothes. 

"Are you sure you're 32?" I tease him as he gasps. 

"Don't judge my hobby, Hana. Each of these figures cost an arm and a leg." He walks over to one, pressing his hands on the glass as if it was too fragile to bring out. "See this baby? She was $275 when I bought her. Guess how much she's worth now in immaculate condition?"

I shrug as I look at the figure, "Maybe $300?" 

A scoff coming out of his soft lips, "In a dream world. She's $600 now." He blows a kiss to the figure as I giggle. 

"You're such a dork." I sit on his bed as he pats the glass whispering to the figure, "Don't worry baby girl she's just jealous. She's not worthy to see you." 

I tilt my head trying to sound hurt, "Baby girl? I thought you only called me that." I cross my arms, his eyes looking towards me from the corner. 

"You both are." He walks towards me, placing his glass of water on the nightstand. 

"Nope, if you had to pick between me or her, who would it be?" I stare into his eyes as his eyes waver and he looks at the two of us. "Genji!? For real?!" I try to push his muscular body with a giggle. "You shouldn't even have to think about that question." 

"I had to! She's been with me since the beginning." He tries to make an excuse as I stare at him. 

"Fine, you can be with her and I'll call someone else my daddy" I tease making him hesitate.

"Who?" His eyebrow raised. 

"Levi Ackerman." (Sorry guys, I had to. Levi is such bae, LOL)

"The midget from AoT?" Genji chuckles as I gasp.

"He's not a midget if I'm shorter than him!" 

He shakes his head as he kneels down, our eyes meeting. "Sorry Hana, I don't think Levi can pleasure you as well as I can." His tongue licking his bottom lip and his eyes flickering. My heart starting to beat wildly as he leans close to my neck planting soft kisses. Leaning my head to the side to give him more access, I feel my face heating up. 

"Your taste is sweet like last time..." His voice husky as he softly nibbles. My bottom lip rolling inward as I feel his wet tongue. His mouth parts away from my bare neck as he grins. "That's it for today though. It's getting late." 

I furrow my eyebrows with a frown. Why did he tease me? I bit my cheek as he stands back up and offers me a hand. I held onto his hand sadly. 

"Oh, wait. I have something to give you before you leave." A cheeky smirk on his face as he looks under his bed, pulling out a black box with a red ribbon. I tilt my head and stare at it with confusion. "Don't open it till you get to your bedroom." I blink my eyelashes at him as he places the box in my hands. He softly nudges my back out of the room. 

As I slip my shoes back on in the front door, Genji opens the door as I unlock my apartment door again. He childishly flashes me a peace sign as I smile to him before we both close our doors. Quickly taking my shoes off I run to my bedroom with the box. 

"What's in here?" I ask myself as I sit on my bed with my legs crossed and the box on my lap. Nervously I untie the ribbon as they fall lightly on my legs. Lifting the lid of the box, I can't believe what I'm looking at. My eyes widen as my cheeks burn a soft red. What the fuck, Genji. 

I grab my phone, dialing his number as he picks up on the first ring. 

"Yes, baby?" I can already see his silly smile. 

"What's this?!" I try to keep my voice calm.

"Exactly what it is." His voice teasing. 

The box containing a pastel pink vibrator surrounded in tissue paper with heart patterns. I've never seen one up so close or ever had the thought of owning one. I'm too shy to even hold it. 

"Seeing how inexperienced you are, I don't think you're ready for daddy's dick." His voice seductive as he drags his words. My ears heating from his tone. "So be a good girl, and use this as practice until daddy knows you're ready for his." I flutter my eyelashes as my cheeks turn a shade darker. 

"But...." My voice soft. 

"Uh, uh. Daddy's orders, Hana. We both have busy schedules so who knows when we can spend time together, right?" 

I silently nod but didn't reply to him verbally. 

"Anyway, enjoy yourself baby. I'm going to get some sleep. Sweet dreams." The call ends with a click as I place the phone down beside me. 

I stare at the vibrator with pursed lips. 

Will Hana do as she's told? *shrugs*

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